chapter one

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tw: this chapter mentions vomiting.

februrary 28th, 2020

"hi, my love," chase grinned as he wrapped his arms around maia.

she smiled softly, leaning into him. "hi, chase."

he rested his head on top of hers. "are you tired? you're quiet. and you're clammy too."

yeah, i just projectile-vomited, she thought.

"i'm fine," she told him. he didn't look convinced, but before he could say anything further, he was shoved aside.

"hello," haley grinned, sitting next to maia.
"get off her," chase snapped, shoving her away.
"don't tell me what to do, bitch," haley replied, pushing him back. he rolled his eyes, returning to his position behind maia.
she laughed. they were like brother and sister...or they just really hated each other sometimes. it was hard to tell.
"anyway, i heard you throwing up in the bathroom a few minutes ago, maia. you good?"
she stiffened once again, feeling chase slowly unwrap himself from her to look at her.
"you threw up?" he asked. "why didn't you tell me?"
"i'm fine now, though," she lied, even though she felt herself getting nauseous once again.
their teacher walked in at that moment, glaring at them and yelling for everyone to settle down. chase and haley walked back to their seats and maia pulled out her books.

she was talking with nia and haley after class when chase came over and dragged her away.

"why didn't you tell me you threw up?" he asked once they were semi-alone.
she shrugged awkwardly. "i didn't want you to worry."
"i'm worried now," he frowned. "do you wanna skip?"
she gave him a blank stare. her parents would beat her ass if she skipped school and both of them knew it.
"can we talk later?" she asked, realizing it was time for her next class.
he nodded his head, a frown still on his face.
she could barely for the rest of the day, taking occasional breaks to throw up. nia comforted her and haley seemed concerned, but maia still told her it was fine.
once school was over, she slowly walked to chase's car, dragging her feet the entire time.
"what's wrong with you?" he asked as soon as she was in the passenger seat.
she took a deep breath, debating whether she should blurt it out, ease into it, or tell him later.
"i'm pregnant, chase."
maia was thankful he wasn't driving because he definitely would've crashed. his eyes widened immediately as he stared at her.
"you're-no," he gasped. "we're only 17, how-"
"a few months ago, you didn't wear a condom," she told him, "and now i'm pregnant."
he started to wheeze and maia rubbed his back reassuringly.
"calm down," she instructed, not only because she didn't want him having a panic attack, but also because his car was shaking slightly and a few kids were giving him weird looks. "chase, breathe."
he inhaled a shuddery breath, looking at her fearfully.
"pregnant?" he asked once again. she just nodded, and he collapsed against the car door, staring blankly ahead.
"i-if you want an abortion, we can get one," maia told him, voice breaking. "but i don't think i want to. i used t' say i'd get an abortion or set it up for adoption but i don't-i don't think i can anymore."
chase sat up, running a hand through his brown curls. "fuck, don't talk about that. we-just give me a second, okay?"
maia sat back down and looked away, trying not to cry. chase noticed and leaned forward, pulling her into a hug.
"don't cry, it's not your fault. i should've pulled out, or gotten a condom, or something-"
he cut himself off. "how far along are you?"
"about three months. the last time we we had penetrative sex was, like, the day before thanksgiving."
"dang, girl, look at you getting all technical," chase joked weakly. maia actually laughed for the first time in what felt like ages.
"i'm gonna drop you off at home, i need to think," he told her, turning serious as he started the car and slowly backed out. "but-i'm not gonna, like, leave you. don't worry."
he took a hand off the wheel and grabbed one of hers.

she didn't respond, simply squeezing his.

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