Day 3

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Everyone joins the zoom

Hermione: hiya Harry!

Harry: hello hermione

Hermione: where is Malfoy?

Harry: oh he is sleeping I didn't wake him up because I need lay back from him making me wear a collar and leash!

Hermione: good idea

Pansy: I agree potter this is going to be hilarious

Blaise: yeah I can't wait to see what he is gonna do!

Snape joins

Snape: good morning class today we are going to work on a polyjuice potion. Where is Malfoy, potter?

Harry: oh he is sleeping he didn't want to come I tried to Pre-sway him but he would listen

Snape: well okay everyone get started

After everyone finishes( Draco is still sleeping)

Snape: okay potter who's hair are you gonna use?
(We all know where this is going😏)

Harry grabs some of Draco's hair and puts it in his potion and drinks it
When Harry turns

Harry: sorry I am late professer

Snape: mr. Malfoy why are you late?

Harry giggles
Harry: I just didn't want to come your class is so boringggg
Hermione realizes and starts to laugh

Snape: 15 points from slythern now where is mr. potter??

Harry: don't know

Draco wakes up but Harry doesn't realize
Goes behind him and stilll doesn't notice

Snape realizes
Snape: sylthern gets their house points back and griffendor get 15 points away. Mr. potter good job

Harry: how did you know?!

Hermione giggles
Hermione: behind you

Harry turns around to see a mad Draco

Harry: hehe

Draco: trying to make me get in trouble potter

Harry runs out the door


Harry: NEVER!!

Snape: wait until Mogonall joins and are they dating??

Hermione: no

Snape: damn it now I have to give lupin or flitwick 10 gallons ugh
Snape has left the meeting

Hermione: are they betting on when they will get together!!

Pansy: looks like it

Draco comes back with Harry on his shoulder trying to get down


Draco: no

Harry whispers something in Draco's ear and Draco puts him down ( you are probably wondering what Harry said wellll you will have to wait hehehehehe I am evil)( truth is I don't know what I want Harry to say😂)

Hermione: what did you say Harry?

Harry: oh nothing

Draco: I hate you

Harry: no you love me but you are to scared to ask me

Draco: rude

Harry: no facts. It is not being rude if I am saying the facts

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