My first kiss

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I Anne Shirley Cuthbert officially had my first kiss today, it was the most significant kiss ever!
Not that I have anything to references it to but it was significant!

It was a gentle but a firm kiss and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

I felt like I was floating in the air as Gilbert laid his perfect soft lips on mine.

He grabbed me by the waist pulling me closer to him. My hand was on his neck and my fingers in his hair.

When we stopped kissing we both looked in each other's eyes, Gilbert smirked and I smiled at him.
This truly was my dream ever since I was at the orphanage.

I would imagine princess Cordelia having a tragic love story because that's the most romantic story of all, or forbidden love that's even better.

Princess Cordelia and a country boy, love each other deeply but her parents forbid her to marry him because she's supposed to marry a prince. That would be a great story to write.

My love story isn't forbidden but Gilbert was going to marry another woman.
This is only the beginning of my love story, I hope.
But I sure see my future with Gilbert Blythe.

Mr, Mrs. Barry, and Diana arrived on a carriage.
I ran to Diana she said she was going to be staying with me at Queens after all and wasn't going to school in Paris.
"Can I still be your roommate?" She said
"Of course, Diana!" I answered with a big and wide smile.

The Barry's offered Gilbert to take the carriage because he had to catch the train in time, he was going to the University of Toronto.
I know it's miles and miles away but we will write to each other every other day.
I kissed Gilbert and said goodbye to him, I watched as the carriage disappeared from sight.

I turned my head towards Diana and we smiled at each other and giggled.
We walked inside and I gave her a little tour around the house. I showed her our bedroom and she met the rest of the girls, they were all so excited that she came here instead of going to that stupid girl school in Paris.
We all laughed and told her about the rules of the house, when there was going to be supper and everything that was scheduled.
Than we went back to our room and she started to unpack and put her clothes in the closet and her things on shelves.

Marilla and Matthew came back with an old book that belonged to my mother.

We sat down on a bench in the garden and I flipped through the pages, there were paintings and drawings on every page.
One drawing was of my mother, she had red hair just like mine, and I found out that she was a teacher just like I aspire to be.
Tears dripped down my face as I looked through all the pages. My mother was just like me, even her handwriting was like mine.

This was my lifelong wish and now Marilla and Matthew had fulfilled it. I don't know how to thank them for everything they have done for me. I love them so much.

Matthew and Marilla went back to Green gables after we had read the book.
I took the book with me back to school.

We ate supper at 7 o'clock and than we all went to bed at 10 o'clock.
I sat down at my desk and started writing a letter to my Gilbert.

Dear Gilbert Blythe
I look like my mother...

Our future (Anne with an e)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon