chapter four: "what are you doing here!?"

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"i'll leave you two to it" the doctor walked out

"hey baby" i said taking her hand


"hey hey. don't strain your stomach or you could start bleeding again"

"i thought i was going to die christian" she said whimpering

"i know, i know you did gab. but you didn't. your here with me and sabrina. dev , leilani , madi , ava , cynthia , lauren , gio. everyone's here for you love"



"can you come kiss me"

"of course i can"

i walked over to her bed and leaned down to kiss her. i placed my lips against hers. they moved with passion. they fit like puzzle pieces. like it was meant to be. this was the girl of my dreams and i would do anything to protect her and make her mine forever.

i leaned up and she giggled

"your laugh is so cute" i said smiling down at her

"where's sabrina" she looked over at the door

"i'll go get her" i touched her hand

"don't be too long please. i'm scared to be left alone"

"i won't babe"

i walked down the hallway to the waiting room. i walked in and sabrina looked over and her eyes lit up

"she wants you sab"

she ran , she ran as fast as she could to her sister. sabrina and Gabrielle were a different type of sister bond. they completed each other and made life so much happier for each other , there so close in age there practically twins. they need each other


i was watching pretty little liars on the tv when i heard my door swing open and i seen my best friend and my sister

"gabrielle omg" she wrapped her arms around my neck and started crying

"i thought i was going to lose you gab. i'm so so sorry"

"sabrina don't apologize. things happen and it's over and done with"

"they let katie go, she's getting her stuff out now"

"good, that really set me off"

"where's leilani?" i said

"the waiting room."

"let everyone come in here please"



i went on my phone to text ava to let everyone know they could come in

me: hey b, gabrielle said she can handle everyone coming in here. plz come in here and let everyone know they can too. she needs it right now

you ✔️ christian plourde Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant