~Skate Date~

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~Your POV~

I can't believe it I and Oikawa were walking home after the study dinner thing with Iwa and right before I walked in my house he stopped and ASKED ME OUT LIKE A  DATE so today I have a date with Toru Oikawa and we are going to the skating rink this may or may not have come up but I may like Oikawa a teeny weeny bit only because I got to know him because now I know he's really nice and funny and a huge softie (remember the other night) it was 5:00 Oikawa would be here in  30 minutes I'm eager and my heart is racing only 25 more minutes 20, 15, 10, soon later I hear a ring I go to open the door and he's there the one and only Toru Oikawa, it may be a date but he went out of his way to get me some roses (so cute right) I put them in a vase and we start walking to the train station.

We get on the train and it only takes about 5 minutes to get to our stop so we don't sit down (thankfully because those seats are filthy) we get off and walk into the skating rink i tell oikawa ¨ive never done this so you should probably expect me to fall¨ and he quickly replies with ¨ill just catch you you wont fall with me around¨ i feel my cheeks going red CRAP i think of a way so he wont see me blushing and i quickly head to the rink so he wont see me but just as expected i slip and almost fall on my butt and you'll never guess who caught me . . . it was the one and only oikawa toru the even worse thing was he caught me by my hips and held me i felt so embarrassed not only did i almost fall in front of him i made a scene and now all of the other skarters eyes were on us i was so embaareseed my whole face has gone red at this point and i feel oikawa slowly pull me into his chest we just sit there till I'm ready to try again his heartbeat soothes me and his body was warm after a few minutes we get up off the bench ( we went to one after a couple minutes) and oikawa helps me so i don't fall he holds my hand as i slowly skate along the edge of the wall stopping to balance myself every few moments and after about an hour we decide to go get something to eat.

We walk out or the rink and make out way to the convenience store near the train station we get some drinks and some snacks and get on the train to go back to my place. When we get off the train we walk hand in hand with our stuff I'm wearing Oikawa's jacket (it got cold) and he's next to me, his hands are warm. We finally get to my house luckily because I'm an only child it's just us we go to the living room and look for a movie to watch on Netflix we chose In The Tall Grass a horror movie if you didn't know I'm kinda a big scardey cat so this was going to be interesting, we sit together on my couch we sit together and watch the movie, about 30 minutes in the scary part comes up and I scream and jump into Oikawas arms I put my head down, I feel his arms wrap around me and he whispers ¨ill keep you safe Y/N¨ I blush and stay in his arms, as I slowly drift off to sleep.

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