"You wanna take a picture? It will last longer!" Jason said, a smirk on his newly awake face.

"Ahh! Why'd you give me a heart attack!" I jumped, glaring at him.He laughed and went in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, you just look so adorable." he chuckled, letting me go and sitting up. "Want some breakfast?"

"You know how to cook?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"What do you think, just because I'm a vampire that I dont cook?" Jason responded, faking being offended and laughed. "You do know the most famous chefs are vampires right? They had many years to perfect their cooking." Now that he said that it makes perfect sense.

"Ok sorry, what are you gonna make me?!" I asked, seductively smirking. "You know, depending on how good it is also depends on if you're getting fed today!"

"Ooh that sounds like a challenge, I love challenges" he growled and jumped out of bed heading to the kitchen.

I took this time when he was at the kitchen to just look around. He has a pretty looking house, I went to his closet since my clothes from yesterday were dirty, and I started looking around for something to wear when I saw something that caught my attention. There in the corner was a pretty old looking box. I bent down to get a better look at it, I stopped when I saw a date that dated back about a hundred years. I was about to open the box when I heard Jason yelling from the kitchen to come and get the food. I quickly put the box back where it was and picked out some random clothes to wear. I headed to the kitchen just to be met with an amazing breakfast in front of me.

"Wow! Color me impressed!" I remarked, looking at all the food in front of me. I sat down admiring the buffet he had cooked for me.

"So, is it good enough for me to get fed?!" he laughed, feeling accomplished at the food he cooked.

"I don't know! Looks can be deceiving. Let me taste and be the judge." I smirked. I took a bite of the freshly made pancakes and some eggs as well as a piece of bacon. 'Oh my this is great' I thought as I gulped down the food in one sitting.

"So, what's the verdict?" Jason asked, smirking.

"Not too shabby!" I smirked, unable to keep from laughing. "You want your reward now?"

"Only if you'd be so kind as to share some delicious blood with me" he said, now unable to hold in his own laughter.

"Ew, so cringy!!" I said, now laughing even harder. "Here you can have me.... Wait that sounds even weirder."

"Don't mind if I do!" he smirked one last time before grabbing me close to him. I tilted my head back a little to allow for him to be more comfortable. He lowered his head to be positioned in between my head and shoulders. He licked my neck before he sank his fangs into it. I could feel him drinking. He held me tighter, but in a protective kind of way. I couldn't stop the feeling of pleasure I felt so I raked my fingers through his hair and gripped it once I got to about the crown of his hair. My other hand trailing up and down his back. I could not stop myself from moaning a little bit. As soon as I did that he stopped for a second but then continued more passionately than before. He started slowing down his drinking until he came to a complete stop. He slowly took his fangs out and licked the wound but he stayed in the same embracing position for a couple of minutes.

"Are you ok?" I asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'm ok, let's just stay like this for a little longer." He said, hugging me tightly and kissing my neck.


It was now one in the afternoon and I was back home. I decided to do some laundry since I was running out of shirts to use. As the shirts were in the washer I decided to clean around a little bit, even though it was pretty clean since Jason cleaned it a few days ago. I went to look in my fridge and saw that I barely had any food in it. 'To the grocery store it is then.' I thought as I closed the fridge and grabbed my keys. As I was driving to the store I was making a mental list of everything that I needed for this month.

After getting everything, I paid and went back home. I put all the groceries away and checked on my laundry. I folded the ones that came out of the dryer, and put the wet ones to dry. I called up some friends to see if they wanted to hang out, but they were all busy doing something else. Feeling defeated, I threw my phone on the bed next to me and put my hands on my face.

"I hate days like this!!" I said to myself .

"Days like what?" I heard a voice say.

I jumped up from my bed and looked around. My heartbeat going about a hundred miles per hour. My eyes land on a smirking Jason.

"Jesus Christ! What are you doing here? And why did you give me a heart attack?" I yelled at him, throwing a pillow his way and held my hand on my chest trying to slow my heart down. I'm glad it wasn't a stranger but still.

"Ha-ha! I'm sorry, I was gonna knock on your door but saw that it was open so I just let myself in. you should really start locking your doors." Jason said, in between laughs. By this point he was literally on the floor laughing and crying.

"Anyway, instead of laying there, be useful and get my clothes from the dryer." I said, regaining my composure.

" Ok, I'm on it." Jason said leaving my room and heading to the dryer still laughing.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked, yelling loud enough to where he could hear me from the other room.

"Oh I just wanted to see that you were doing, since I had the day off and I was bored." he responded.

"Oh, so you just show up like you own the place?! Ha-ha." I responded rolling my eyes. After he came back with the clothes I put them away quickly and went to the kitchen to where Jason had migrated to after handing me the clothes.

"Do you wanna do something? I'm bored out of my mind." I asked, as I opened the fridge to get something to drink.

"We could always go for a walk and maybe get some dinner." Jason suggested. "I know this great place that serves great desserts."

"Sure! Just get me out of the house, I'm about to go crazy if I stay here any longer." I pleaded, looking at him with big eyes that screamed 'yes please'. I quickly went to my room and put on some more appropriate clothes. I decided to go with a white t-shirt, some light blue jeans, and a jean jacket to match the pants. I put on some vans and walked out of the room.

"Just lead the way!" I said, walking out of my apartment and locking the door behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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