Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

A roar shook the mountainside. Maranda closed her eyes. So it was time. She turned to Thorin and stood as tall as she could.

"I'm going in there," she said firmly and he blinked.



"No, I won't let you."

"It's not your choice. I'm going." She turned and made for the door.

"Wait!" Thorin went after her and she dashed inside, running down the passage until Thorin grabbed her wrist and yanked her back against his chest.

"I'm going after him! Bilbo needs my help!"

"Alright! I won't stop you just let me talk to you," the Dwarf snapped and she stopped struggling. He had braced himself against a wall and was holding her against his chest, looking down at her carefully. "You have to be careful. Smaug is awake, so we know he'll be angry. And worse. He'll be hungry. Please, Maranda, please be careful," he murmured. He placed a hand gently on the back of her neck and looked at down at her with such undisguised compassion it almost stole away Maranda's breathe. No. That wasn't possible. He couldn't. He didn't. No way. He was...she was...Thorin he...Did Thorin love her?

"I promise I'll be super extra special careful," she said softly, bunching the hem of his coat in her fists. Thorin looked at her and bent his head slightly. Maranda hesitated only a moment. What the hell, she could die. She rose up onto her toes, but Thorin could see the hesitation in her eyes. He swallowed his pain and kissed her nose gently.

"For luck," he mumbled and her wings whirred excitedly.

"Yeah. I need all the luck I can get. Bilbo went in with a magic ring and look where he is," she chuckled. Thorin released her and slipped his silver ring from his finger.

"It-it's not magic, but...Keep it. As a sign of my trust in you. You are now and forever shall be Dwarf-Friend," he said softly and she slipped it on her thumb.

"Thank-I don't..." She looked up at him, face open and surprised. She rose up on her toes and kissed his cheek. It took a moment for her to pull away and she was bright red, her wings going wild. " see you soon," she whispered and he nodded, breathing heavily. She walked through the long corridors and took in a deep breath. "Here we go," and she took flight

Maranda fluttered through the stone halls, Thorin's silver ring nestled onto her thumb. She could hear Smaug talking to Bilbo and she buzzed into the open air, glancing down. Bilbo was struggling and she fluttered down. Suddenly Smaug's head shot up so his eyes were level with her. She sucked in a deep breath in fear and awe. No way, this was too much.

"And what is this?" he snarled and she smiled.

"Hello, firechild," she said in a cheery tone and settled on his nose. He didn't move. "My name is Maranda. I am a Fairy and I rather like you. May I stay here?" Silence. She seriously hoped her gambit would work. His eyes softened suddenly.

"Little Fairy, it's been so long since I saw one of your kind...little bird..." Maranda couldn't believe it! He was absolutely mesmerized by her. She smiled and stood, balancing on her toes and walked up the length of his snout to sit between his eyes.

"I haven't ever seen a dragon before. You are so beautiful," she breathed and if dragons could blush, the golden light building in Smaug's cheeks would have been a blush. "I mean truly," she bubbled, hovering down onto his back so he twisted to face her. "You are amazingly enormous and fierce! I bet if dragon's had kings it would be you," she beamed up at him and he wiggled his head. He was so buying it. "What is your name?" she asked happily.

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