I followed along with the crowd, getting separated from my friends for a moment. I silently walked towards the common rooms until I heard my name being called. "Hey, stranger." I turned to face Cedric.

"Leah." He repeated and gave me a half smile. "I feel like we never get any time to chat to ourselves."

"You can chat with me anytime you want." I shrugged as we continued to walk through the halls. Most students had already made it back to their common rooms. Probably to chat more about what had just happened during Lockhart's presentation.

"I get the feeling your friends don't care for me too much." He chuckled.

I laughed along with him. He does have a point. "They're just teasing. It's just how they are."

"You seem pretty close." Cedric glanced down at me as if trying to gauge my reaction.

"Yeah. Well our families have known each other since we were little. My mum and Mrs. Weasley were best friends when they went to Hogwarts and never fell out of touch." I smiled a little at the thought. Their friendship was so pure. "Now the twins and I are really good friends."

"Friends?" He tried to suppress a smile. "That's good to know." He raised his hand in a goodbye before turning the corner and heading towards the Hufflepuff common room.

Was he trying to flirt with me? My cheeks were a slight tint of red when I stepped into the common room. I don't think I'll ever get used to the male attention that's started this year. I sat down in front of the fire next to Alicia, accidentally interrupting a story she was telling.

"What's got you all flustered?" Lee asked, moving to sit on the arm of the couch beside me.

My friends exchanged a look before Alicia bumped me with her elbow, knocking me out of my daze. "I bet I know. Did you have yourself a little conversation with Diggory?" She giggled like a school girl. She is in every class I have with him and hasn't shut up about it since. It's another happening topic at the Gryffindor girl's little study group.

"Yes but it's not like that." I protested. "I've been helping him in potions class." The small group around me laughed, exchanging a few more teasing comments.

"If you really think he actually needs that much help you're as naive as they come." George scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean." I huffed, sitting up slightly to face him.

"It means the guy is a right little braggart." He mumbled before he stood up, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. "I'm going to bed." He turned and walked up the stairs without another word.

"What is his problem?" I looked towards Fred but his expression was just as puzzled as mine.

"He really doesn't like Diggory." The twin shrugged and followed his brother upstairs. Few strains of conversation remained after that awkward exchange. Eventually, the rest of the group followed the twin's lead and retired to their dorms.

                          *                *                *

I stood in the courtyard a little before class with Ginny. Snowflakes littered my hair but I didn't mind. It just feels nice to get outside between classes. I truly felt like Ginny needed some attention too. She was distraught when Colin was petrified, and her brothers did a shit job of trying to cheer her up. Fred and George thought covering themselves in fur and popping out to scare her was a good idea.

"I keep having the strangest dreams. Almost like I'm sleep walking again." Ginny spoke in a hushed voice as if she was embarrassed. She had been known to sleep walk when she was younger so I'm not surprised it's started again. I am a little surprised that Percy hasn't caught her stumbling around at night, but according to Fred he's spent most of his time writing to some Ravenclaw girl.

I tried to focus my attention on my friend but I have a perfect view of where Fred and George were standing a few feet behind her head. They were both talking animatedly to Angelina and Katie. Things between George and I have been weird since that night. Fred has tried to diffuse the tension and carry on. Honestly, all of my friends have been odd. Ron, Harry, and Hermione have been sneaking around and have missed the last two study halls.

"Hey, look everyone! It's the heir of Slytherin!" Fred's voice snapped me away from my thoughts. Harry was leaning against the stone railing, looking rather glum. The twins had voiced numerous times how silly they think the rumors are, George even going as far to jokingly ward Harry off with a large clove of garlic, but of course they're going to tease him about it.

"Be careful! He's a seriously evil wizard." George added before the two shared a laugh and went back inside. I felt a twinge of jealousy watching the two girls laughing over every word they said.

"Are you listening?" Ginny squinted her eyes and craned her neck to see where I was looking. "Things will be back to normal again soon." She assured me.

"I'm sorry, Gin. I'm just a little distracted." I apologized to the girl.

"It's okay. I'm sure the two of you will make up before you go home for Christmas break. I've never seen you apart for so long. Well, we should be getting to our classes anyways." She gingerly picked a snowflake from my hair with a soft smile before we said our goodbyes.

I walked down the halls towards my Herbology class, scanning my textbook for a quick refresher before my exam. There's a lot of long, strange names to try and remember but my mind is still so busy with thoughts of my best friend. I hope Ginny was right. I couldn't possibly enjoy my Christmas holiday knowing George wouldn't be writing me like normal. I was tempted to stay back at Hogwarts with them and force him to be friendly with me again, but I couldn't make my dad spend Christmas on his own.

My studies were interrupted when my elbow was yanked and I found myself behind a small corner. I groaned as my heavy book fell to the floor. When I looked up my gaze met a familiar pair of hazel eyes.

"Sorry." George mumbled while he bent over to pick up the large book. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"You couldn't have said 'Hey, Leah. Mind stepping aside and having a conversation with me for a minute.'" I rolled my eyes but couldn't prevent the slight smile on my face. It's felt like an eternity since we've really talked and I wouldn't have lasted another day without him.

"Don't be difficult." He grinned down at me. "I had some talks with Fred and realized I've been a little bit of a-"

"Git." I teased.

"Watch it, Hadleigh." George rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Here I am trying to apologize and you just want to insult me."

"I forgive you." I pulled him into a hug. He was taken aback for a minute before wrapping his arms around me. "Now walk me to class...we're going to be late for the exam."

The color drained from his face as he groaned. "That's today?"

"George she's only reminded us about it a dozen times." I giggled. The rest of the way to Professor Sprout's class, I quizzed him on the different plants and fungi and their uses. He is certainly not passing his exam.


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