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It was the early hours of the morning, the sun barely peeking through the thick layer of clouds. Dew rested lazily on the waxy surface of the green leaves, the crisp scent of rain heavy in the air. Outside, traffic bustled as the city rose from its slumber, the hum of people and vehicles merging into one incomprehensible song.

Yoongi stirred from his sleep, bundled up in his duvet and the plethora of pillows. It was too cosy for him to leave and a displeased noise escaped his mouth at the idea of abandoning his warm blankets.

"Hyung wake up, it's nearly 09:00am and we got to figure out what to do with Kim hyung and Jimin." Namjoon came into the room to wake him, shaking the blanket cocoon to rouse Yoongi awake, the latter grumbling in response.

Ah yes, the two synthetics who seemed too lifelike to be true. What a silly dream...

A silly dream...


The laugh that was bubbling inside Namjoon finally burst its way out as Yoongi jolted up from the bed, now fully awake, the man giving an indignant squawk as the sheets got tangled in his legs, sending him to greet the floor with a hard thump. The next few seconds consisted of an amused Namjoon rescuing Yoongi as he wrestled against the tangled blankets, the younger's cheeks aching with how hard he was smiling once the blanket was successfully removed and Yoongi was standing, cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"You saw nothing." He grumbled, squeezing through Namjoon and the door as he scurried to the kitchen.

"Duly noted. Except I did."

Yoongi wanted to slap the dimples out of that wide smile Namjoon was sporting, settling for just burning lasers into his back as he downed his coffee to gain some semblance of energy. He made a beeline towards the coffee machine for a second cup only to be stopped by a broad pyjama covered chest, pink with little cartoon bunnies decorated all over the fabric.

"It is advised for the human body to only ingest 400 milligrams of caffeine or less for the day to remain healthy. Yoongi hyung has consumed 450 milligrams of coffee at present on an empty stomach." Jeongguk stated, arms coming up to hold Yoongi at the elbows, the man now unable to shove past as it was impossible to move a metal Bot who weighed twice his own weight.

"Remind me why we installed a health tracker on Jeongguk?" Yoongi groaned, giving up on getting past the Synthetic and placing the mug in the sink, instead grabbing bread to make toast so he wouldn't have Jeongguk at his heels all day pestering on whether he ate.

"So that none of us die of sodium and caffeine overconsumption. Let's not have a repeat of last time."

"That was not even that big of a deal!"

"Hyung, you collapsed because your heartbeat was going at 115 beats per minute and your blood pressure was through the roof because of all the Ramen and coffee you inhaled."

"I had a deadline coming up!"

"Worth risking your health over? Imagine if Jeongguk didn't find you that day."

Yoongi knew when he was defeated, looking down at his shoes with a pout.

"No... Sorry."

Namjoon sighed softly, fingers coming up to pinch the area between his eyebrows, in hopes of curbing his frustrations. He could never stay mad at the latter for long, and it was the same with Yoongi. The two weren't the type to hold grudges, and surprisingly since Jeongguk's arrival, he had helped them to communicate more openly.

"It's okay. We're both a bit short tempered because of yesterday." Namjoon breathed out, offering Yoongi a small smile, which he reciprocated timidly.

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