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Why did you bring this to yourself, if only you just left when you were supposed to. You mentally slapped your self and walked to the living room with guilt on your face.

"Y/N thank god your okay!" Your mother hugged you "I called you why didnt you answer? I'm just glad your home safe." Your dad came to you also hugging you.

"Dont worry a friend walked me home." You said hugging them. Your brushed your teeth and went to bed.

Iron wall

Heyy, did you get home safe?

Iron wall

That's good, well
goodnight then :)

Iron wall


You smiled at the screen, turning off your phone.

You looked at the ceiling looking at the turned off light. You closed your eyes and fell asleep. Clenching the blankets closer.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! "Oh shut up!" You said smacking the alarm off. You say in bed daydreaming about aone. Your smacked your forehead.

You got up and got ready. "Bye guys!" You said waving to your parents as you walked down the porch. You played on your phone on the bus.

You got off at your stop and walked to the gates


You met up with aone again and walked to class together.

You were at the office at school and went to the desk "what do I have to do to be the manager for the volleyball club?" You asked nervously.

The old lady looked at you and told you to go to the coach at the volleyball gym. "You'll find him at his office bit they are practicing at the moment so you need to wait."

The lady said smiling. You walked to the gym sitting at the bench right behind the doors, waiting for the coach to stop practicing.

After practice you walked to the coach and you guys figured the manger thing. You smiled as he said "fine you can be the manger but no hitting on them." You scoffed and walked out.

Walking down the hallways listening to music with headphones on. You played on your phone. When you were scrolling on Instagram. While scrolling you were on aones.

You saw a picture with him with his friends at a beach, you were zooming in on aone (dirty ass). You felt someone tap your shoulder "hm?" You said taking off your headphones still looking st the picture.

Dying sounds good right now.

"Whatchu looking at y/nnnnn~!" Kogane said smirking grabbing your phone out of your hand. "STOP! Please I'll do anything dont tell anyone!" You said screaming at him

People just stared. "If you dont give my phone you will not see another day." You said whispering as loud as you could. "Aonee~!" Kogane said looking for him. You grab his shoulder and grabbed your phone.

His face was horrified realizing he just awoken death. You started chasing him and slapped him. "ok, ok, sorry!" He said. You stopped slapping him and smiled evily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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