She walked out of her room with her Uncle Reg, who was beaming in happiness for the girl and saw kids looking out of their rooms, hearing the news that Astra was adopted. The Matron was standing at the door to the main room. "Well, you've been adopted. It was good knowing you, Astra." She still had the firm voice that she always had, but anyone could hear the small quiver in her voice from saying goodbye. 

Astra nodded and looked at the other kids who were still peeking out of their rooms. "Thank you," she said in a small voice, and then went out to where Professor McGonagall was waiting. McGonagall led her out to a small hill that was by the orphanage. On the other side, stood an old record player. Astra had read about portkeys and guessed that that was one.

"Alright, let me take one of your bags, and then put a finger on the portkey." No sooner did Astra put her finger on the record player did she feel a pulling at her navel and flew up into a sort of a whirlwind. She let go when the professor told her to, and she landed gracefully next to McGonagall. Looking up, she saw an enormous castle, looking straight out of a fairytale. Nothing that the dead had told her could have prepared her for how beautiful the sight looked. McGonagall cleared her throat and Astra took back her bag as she lead the way to the entrance.

"Alright, since you haven't been sorted yet, we can't show you your common room, but you can stay in the head rooms, seeing as they aren't being used yet. Come with me." Astra followed McGonagall up the stairs and through several hallways before they got to a portrait. She was still getting used to all of the moving staircases and talking portraits, and the whole castle was just leaving her in awe. She wanted so desperately to talk to Reg, Lily, and James but knew she couldn't in front of the professor.

"The password is Sorting Hat." The portrait opened to a small common room filled with red, green, blue, and yellow. It looked cozy and full of light with pictures from all of the house founders. "Now, everything you need is here. To get into the common room, you just say the password, and the portrait will open. I hope that you will join me and some of the other professors for dinner in the Great Hall. If you need anything or wish to ask me something, my door is always open. You can also call a house-elf, Honey if you want to eat anything or alert me. Honey!" A small house-elf with soft brown eyes appeared.

"Yes, mistress McGonagall, miss?"

"Honey, this is Astra Black. She will be staying here for the week before term starts. If she ever calls you, I hope that you will be at her service."

"Yes, mistress McGonagall. Honey is pleased to help mistress Black!"

"Very good, I will leave you be for the time being, my office is on the first floor, in the Defense against the Dark Arts tower. I will see you this evening." McGonagall gave her another small smile and went out of the portrait door. Astra dropped her bags and sat in an armchair, still staring around the room.

"Would mistress Black like anything from Honey?"

"Oh, no thank you. I'm alright. And please, call me Astra."

"Yes, mistress Astra, call Honey if mistress needs anything!" And with that, the little house-elf snapped her fingers and was gone.

"Incredible, I never was in here, because I wasn't Head Boy, but Hogwarts will always surprise me with it's magic," Regulus's voice brought Astra out of her thoughts.

"We were, and I'll never forget the memories made in here," Lily's voice came.

"Lily! Prongs! How was Harry?"

"Oh, fine. I still can't believe Tuney and Vermin. Absolutely terrible, horrible, dreadful, awf -"

"We know, Lils; I hate it as much as you do. How are you doing, though, Astra? What do you think of Hogwarts?"

"Oh, it's amazing! I can't believe it! I'm going to have to find some of the secret passageways you told me about and Minnie is incredible! I can't wait to meet the other professors."

"Yes, well we've been doing some spying around here, and I don't know whether all of the professors are good."

"I can't believe Snivellus is teaching here!"

"We get it, James," said Lily and Regulus at the same time. Regulus continued.

"Anyways, you've met Professor McGonagall, she teaches Transfiguration and is Head of Gryffindor. Professor Flitwick, Sprout, Binns, Filch, Vector, Kettleburn, Sinistra, and Hagrid are still here."

"And Professor Burbage and Professor Babbling," Lily added.

"Yes, so they're all good teachers. You don't have Professor Vector, Kettleburn, Burbage, or Babbling yet, but you might in 3rd year when you take extra classes. Hagrid's the gamekeeper and Filch is the caretaker."

"Hagrid's really nice, so you should definitely go down to his hut sometimes," said James.

"But don't eat his rock cakes, I learned that the hard way," added Lily.

"Yes, anyways, Severus -"

"Snivellus," inputted James.

"Severus or Professor Snape teaches potions."

"Yes, and I'm sorry to say that I don't think he'll like you. He and your father didn't get along well, so he might hold a grudge," added Lily.

"Unfortunately, that's true. He is quite good at holding grudges. The other teacher you need to look out for is Professor Quirrel, who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"There's something fishy about him."

"We are going to spy on him a bit more because I'm sure there's something going on."

"Anyways, just stay on the lookout."

"Ooh and find my map!"

"I thought you said a pair of twins had them?"

"They're going to be coming to Hogwarts next week, so see if you can get it! You are one of the heirs after all."


"Now, you should probably head to dinner for Minnie," said Lily.

"I'll show you one of the secret passageways to get to the Great Hall quickly, come on!"

And they were off. Hogwarts was going to be quite fun for Astra.

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