Caring Idiot

815 7 5

Requested by Soulless_Angel25

Ships: Austin x Raven
Type: Slight Angst and Fluff
Warnings: Injuries/Kinda Gore?
Characters Used: Raven, Austin and an Unknown Spirit


Raven's POV
I ran through the woods in a big hurry as i didn't mind the bruises forming from the sticks hitting me, stones making me fall and causing a wound on my knees, the sticks and leaves stuck to my hair and my hood slowly getting ripped apart

All i want to do is to get away from that THING! I don't know what it was! It was looking for Austin and i didn't want to tell it where he was, For all i know they're going to hurt him!

You might be wondering, Why can't i just shoot it with my bow and what is it? Well, Its a spirit of some sort and i can't kill a spirit now can i? The only reason i know that the spirit is following me because of the black shadow covering the areas of where i once was and it kept forming white eyes watching me

The faster i ran, The more wounds formed

I got out of the woods as the spirit was all gone, I panted for air for some bits of time before running to where me and Austin's cabins are and knock on the door

Austin jumped down from the window upstairs with his cheery smile only for it to drop seeing me injured

"Raven?! Are you- Nevermind, Lets get in so i can patch you up!"

Austin took my hand as i let him take me inside and laid me onto his bed which was like a cloud like mine, Wait.. Now that i think of it how did Austin find mattresses and pillows that are literally like clouds?

I was lost in my thoughts that i haven't notice my eyelids getting heavy and Austin had already patched up my wounds

Once my eyelids closes, all i could see was darkness as i fell into my slumber

Austin's POV
Once i was done patching up her wounds, I had noticed that Raven had fallen asleep

I was going to ask some questions as to what happened but she looks like she needed some sleep, she looked so tired so i let her be

I of course laid her onto my bed nicely as i laid a blanket onto her so that she can be warm and wouldn't get cold way too much since she was sleeping in my bed which kinda was surrounded by snow

It was getting night outside so i decided to stay awake to guard Raven and so that i can check on her if her wounds are opening up again

Its not like i needed sleep since i was a spirit so i had sat onto the chairs as i watched the time pass by with me of course changing positions every now and then

It was 5 in the morning as i could tell that the others are awake or maybe still sleeping

I didn't bother waking up Raven since she still needed some rest so i decided to make some food while she's sleeping

I made a plate that is stacked with both pancakes and waffles since I don't really know which she likes more so i put both, I put butter and syrup on it as i noticed Raven stirring awake

I walked over to her as her eyes opened, she noticed me looking at her as she gave me a confused looked before looking around and noticing she had slept on my bed

Raven's POV
I immediately sat up realizing that i had slept on Austin's bed as i blushed in embarrassment

"Morning Raven!" Austin smiled "Morning?.." I said but in a more confused tone

"I made breakfast! But i just wanna ask, Are you alright?"

Austin walked over to the counter picking up a tray and putting a plate of both waffles and pancakes together with syrup and butter on the tray before bringing it to me

"Thanks.. Also yeah im alright now, i guess" I shrugged before picking up the fork and munching on the pancakes "Do you like it? I don't really know if you like pancakes more or you like waffles more so i mixed both of them up"

"It taste great actually.. Also, I like both of them equally since they do taste alike" Austin's smile widened "Glad you like it!" I couldn't help but smile at his cheery and enthusiastic personality as i noticed his smile slowly dropping as he started to think of something

"Austin?" He flinched "Uh- Yeah?" "Does something hurt?!"He asked in a panic "What- Wait- No! Its just that, You spaced out for a few minutes!"

"Oh! Sorry, I was just wondering how you got those wounds.. I kinda got worried.."

"Well.. Do you want me to explain from the start?"

"If your comfortable of telling me then yes"

"Well.. I was just walking around the woods for some alone time only to notice the fact that something was whispering to me, I noticed that there was a black spirit following me as they attacked me, I ran away cause i couldn't really kill the spirit so when i came out of the woods, they dissapeared.."

Austin looked interested in the story or the spirit for some reason

"Oh? Well i'll maybe talk to the Spirit later so when you go into the woods you won't get harmed or bothered!"

"Wait.. What?! Are you insane?! Your going to get ripped into shreds if you go in there and talk to them!"

"Eh, Its nothing new"

Should i be concerned or?.. Nevermind..

I sighed before going back to eating my food as i listen to Austin talk

He really is an idiot but atleast he's a cute and caring idiot, Wait what- RAVEN!

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