✩ Chapter 39 - Wake Up ✩

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• Jade's POV: •

I watched you slip away into the darkness,
I couldn't save you even when I tried.
I grabbed your hand and held your soul,
But before I got struck, I truly lost my pot of gold.

Draco's POV: •

I stayed all night, it was the morning afterwards and she still hadn't woken up. I had skipped my lessons for the day, I couldn't leave her to wake up alone, that's the last thing she needed.

I threw the blanket onto the floor that magically appeared in the night and sat up in my chair as my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight shining through the glass. I looked at Jade who now had a healthy glow on her; the cuts on her skin looked more at content, her hair flowed over her shoulders just sitting right on her chest, the imagery of an open casket flowed into my mind as I shook it off, it was too early to be thinking about death...

"Jade please wake up, you've been asleep for hours-"

• Jade's POV:•

"- I need you, you have no idea how much this is hurting me... please wake up..." I hear faintly from the voice I recognise the most. Draco. I felt his hand grab mine as I kept my eyes shut, listening in.

"I'm sorry for everything, being mean to you then nice the next, breaking up with you... I'm sorry for it all, please wake up" he kept repeating over and over. I flutter my eyes open and look to the side to see Draco's head resting on the bed face down as my hand is in his as he grasps on tight. Should i say something? I don't know, I feel kinda awkward. Actually, I know what to say.

"Where am I? Ow, my head." I say back in pain as I lift myself up a little. My head was pounding, and I felt a pit in my stomach. Draco looked up soon realising I was awake as he smile was the biggest id ever seen it.

"Oh my god Jade, your ok... here, take these and drink." He says pushing some tablets into my hand and a glass of water. I put the 2 tablets into my mouth as I swirl them down with the water. I look over to him as he shoots me a flash of concern. I look over to him as he takes the now empty glass out of my hands.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I say back sincerely as I put an act on. He winces back in pain as the smile wipes away. He frowns as I start to see tears form in his eyes.

"You- you don't know who I am?" He says stuttering. I shake my head while I try to hold my smirk in. But I failed. He looks up confused.

"You're a prick, Draco" I say back while slumping back down into my bed. His frown moves and gets replaced with a straight face. He nudges my shoulder a little.

"You're the prick here, merlin! You nearly gave me a heart attack." He says back holding a hand on his heart. I lightly giggle at him till the events of the day before flood into my mind...

"Hey, what's wrong?" Draco questions as he places his hand onto mine.

"My dad. He's... gone..." I say speechless. I start to feel my eyes get heavier with tears as they flow down my cheeks. I start to cry, in front of Draco. But then, I start to feel really sick. I hold a hand over my mouth as I feel the liquids bottle up in the back of my throat. Draco grabs a conveniently placed bucket from the side and places it under me as I let out the fluids. He grabs my hair from the sides and pulls them back as he wraps them around his hand. I stop being sick and look to the side as he rubs my back in comfort. I turn away.

"No, please don't look at me... I look horrible-"

"No don't even say that, it's ok I don't care... you still look beautiful to me..." he trials off. I glance up at him from staring down into the bucket as he shoots me a look of sorrow. I place the bucket down as I grab my hair from his hand and put it up into a messy bun. I move over to the side a little as I pat at the space I've made. Draco gets up as he adjusts his clothes and takes a seat on my bed then lying on his side.

"I'll always be here for you Jade" Draco whispers as he cuddles me. I close my eyes as tears pour down my face.

We stay like that for a while till the nurse comes back and checks up on me.

"Mr. Malfoy, I suggest you go get some food, Jade will be out shortly after I've checked her over" she says as Draco gets up from the bed. He turns around and leaves a kiss on my forehead.

"Please get Caitlin" I say back to him. He picks up his jacket and nods as he walks off. I needed to see my best friend.

• Caitlin's POV: •

Guilt was all that I was feeling, her father was saving me but I couldn't save him. I didn't want to sleep or eat, I felt like I was going to be sick. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs as I look to my door as a knock follows.

"Come in" I say quietly as Draco appears at the door. I shoot up from my bed.

"Is she ok?" I ask eagerly.

"She awake and wants to see you." He says plainly.

"Oh god-"

"Don't worry, she's doesn't seem mad at you" Draco says as we walk out the Common Room. I nod at him as we separate and I head slowly to the Hospital Wing.

I walk in and go to Jade's bed as she sits up, looking terrible. I take a seat on the chair. How was I meant to start this conversation.


"No wait... I'm so sorry, it's my fault. He-he was trying to-to save me bu-but I wasn't, I couldn't-" she cuts me off.

"Cait. I don't blame you, I love you. I don't blame anyone..." she trials off as tears fill my eyes. I stand up and lean over her as I take her into a tight hug. I was so thankful for her, and I'm so glad she is ok. I pull away as I give her a look of sympathy.

"He saved you Cait, he's a hero. But god I miss him so much." She says back looking down at her hands. She glances up to me as she takes my hand. I trace small circles on the back of her hand.

"He really is a hero... just know he loves you Jade and he will always be looking over you" I say encouragingly. She nods her head as she cries and lets out a small smile. I hear footsteps from behind me as I turn around to be met with Professor Mcgonagall.

"Miss Wilson, I'm glad your awake. Whenever you're ready please follow me into my office, your mother would like to see you." She says as Jade nods and takes a deep breathe. Professor Mcgonagall walks away as she waits by the door speaking to the nurse.

• Jade's POV: •

I slowly start to help myself up as I get changed with Caitlin helping me. I truly wasn't mad at her, how could I be? It wasn't her fault and she is my best friend. I love her.

I take a deep breathe as I walk away from the Hospital Wing in the clothes I wore from yesterday. I follow Professor Mcgonagall down the Corridors as we enter her classroom. I look at the front of the class to see my mum as she gets up and runs to me greeting me in a hug. She lost her husband, her significant other, she must be devastated. We cried into each other's arm as we mourned over my dad.

"He's gone boo... I can't believe it... it's too soon" she cries into my shoulder as I start to cry too. We stood there for god knows how long as the Professor watched us, but diverted her attention to her desk. I pull back from my mum as she puts her hands onto my shoulders. Her eyes were dark with sorrow and anger. I couldn't of felt the pain that she was feeling...

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