Episode XXXXI (Rise Of Skywalker)Promises

Start from the beginning

"The Knights Of Ren?" I finished without having to look for myself, I could sense them walking down the hall and past my door. Every one of those Bastards. The six men dressed in black passed by quickly, each holding a weapon of their own liking, probably on their way to the docking bay.
Vicrul was last in the line and it seems that he sensed me for he turned his head to me and stopped. His helmet looked like a grenade, and I wish it was one so his brains would blow out across the floor.
"Hello, Vicrul." I said firmly.
"Commander." Vicrul replied, his voice was monotone.
"I believe you mean 'Supreme Commander', Vicrul. I have been promoted. Oh wait, I remember, you are to address me as 'Mistress'." I sneered with sarcasm.
I could sense Vicrul's smirk. "I see Master Ren has taken a liking to you to raise your rank so high, Mistress. I'm not surprised. But I am surprised that you aren't joining us Knights Of Ren on this mission... What's wrong, Nova? Don't like getting your hands dirty?"
"I'd rather not." I moved Alanya to the side so I could walk closer to Vicrul, now I was face to face with that damned mask of his, eyes baring into his visor. "I don't like doing someone else's dirty work and cleaning their messes. They should do it themselves with their hands. Now, you are a pet and you aren't allowed to do your own will. You depend on Ren to take care of you and those other bastards. Without him or that blade of yours... You. Are. Nothing."
The Knight in front of me straightened up, now he was looking down at me, then he took the Scythe strapped to his back and caressed the sharp edges with his gloved fingers. "Leave Lucy out of this. And you forget that I am this close to either giving you another scar or piercing your heart, Little Fox." He put the tip of the blade just above my left breast where my heart was then dragged it up across the skin of my neck and under my jaw until he reached my right cheek and finally moving the hair covering the smallest and oldest scar on my right temple. I could hear his chuckle as he punctured it with the cold tip of the blade then re-sheathed it. Trying my hardest to ignore the blood that was now slightly dripping from the scar, I whispered: "You may think you have some sort of control over me but I have a lightsaber attached to my belt and if you touch my scar again, you will die. I swear to it. Now, run along with your little friends."
Vicrul huffed and went to step down the hall but he turned his head in the opposite direction and bowed low. "Master Ren."
I looked too and Kylo Ren was a few feet away, chest high and a stern look on his face.
"Vicrul, why aren't you with the other Knights?" Kylo questioned, coming to stand next to Vicrul.
"I was just saying hello to Mistress Nova." The Knight answered as he stood up straight.
"Go. I will join you in a moment."
He nodded once then went away.


He insulted me through the Force and I did the same.


Soon, Vicrul disappeared down the hallway and Kylo turned to me. "Supreme Commander, I apologize for him."
"There was no need, Supreme Leader, I can take care of myself. Alanya, you can come out now."
I heard her sigh and step out next to me.
"Good morning, Miss Reed." Kylo greeted her.
"Morning, Sir." Alanya grinned and she bowed. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your Knights doing out?"
"They and the Supreme Leader have a mission on Coruscant. It's the Rebels." I answered.
"Again? But I thought Commander Pyre already took care of it months ago!"
"So did I, Miss Reed, but it now seems that I have to take this into my own hands. And I am disappointed that you are not joining us, Supreme Commander Nova." Ren continued.
"You know I would like to, Supreme Leader, but you know that I have a quarrel with a few of your beloved knights and I currently not permitted to battle." I shrugged.
"And who put that into place?" Ren took a step closer to me and as he always does tilted his head. It's truly the most adorable thing. "It's a secret." I whispered and smirked. "But I would have been delighted to join this mission of yours."

"I did plan on having there be eight on the mission and not seven..."

My eyebrows creased as I thought. Then I looked down to Alanya and said: "What if my apprentice joins you? She is a very skilled fighter and could very well take my place, it would be good for her training, and it would be nice for you to see her in action so we can get an idea of a future position in the First Order for her." The Supreme Leader thought as well then nodded slowly. Alanya was silent for she knew not to step into a conversation between Kylo and I whether or not she is mentioned.
"That is an option, Nova, but I am unsure about this. Does she have a proper lightsaber?" Kylo asked.
"No, she has a Stunt Saber that can harm but not kill." I answered. "If she needs an actual weapon then I can give her a blaster-"
"No, that won't be necessary. We only intend on capturing the Rebels." He held up his hand. I nodded.
"Miss Reed, even if we have discussed this, it is your decision whether you will come with my Knights and I. What do you say?" Ren turned to Alanya who looked up at him with surprise in her eyes.
"Well, my answer would be the same as my Master's," She started. "but if you want to hear it from me directly then yes I would love to join you, Supreme Leader, Sir."
"Good." Said Kylo, a small grin spreading across his lips. "If you have anything in need to be taken care of then I suggest you do it now, young one. My Knights and I will be waiting at the docking bays."
"Yes, Sir." Alanya bowed to him and to me then ran off to her quarters.

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