Rachel:Why don’t I tell you over here?.

   Rachel walks Melissa away from us to talk privately...Soon Rachel rejoins us.

Elizabeth:Hey guys.Look who’s back.It’s Ray-ray!.

Rachel:Shut up that was my friend Melissa from college.

Ross:She seems really,really fun.

Rachel:She’s actually very sweet and we used to be very close.

Monica:Wait a minute she isn’t…She’s not the one who you…

Joey:"Excitedly".Who you what?,Who you what?!.

Rachel:"To Monica".Yes.


Joey:"Excitedly".Wow?,Wow what?!,Wow what?!.Who you what?!.

Rachel:It’s not a big deal!.

Monica:"To Joey".They were lovers.



Rachel:No we weren’t!.It was nothing!.It was one night senior year we went to a party had a lot of sangria and y’know ended up…kissing for a bit.

Ross:So that’s two of my wives.

-May 3rd 2001-

   At Monica and Zakery's Me,Rachel and Phoebe enter.

Elizabeth:Monica what is it?.


Rachel:What is the emergency?!.

Monica:You have to help me.I’m supposed to be writing my vows and all I have is this.

   Monica shows us what she’s been working on.

Elizabeth:Well I like the pretty little drawing of you in the wedding dress.

Monica:Thank you.

Phoebe:Yeah except your breasts look kinda small."Points".

Monica:Those are my eyes.Those are my breasts."Points".


    Soon we are trying to help Monica out by giving ideas.

Rachel:Okay.Okay.Okay.Um maybe you can start with Chandler even though we were friends there was a part of me that always knew I wanted more.

Monica:Oh are we allowed to lie in the vows?!.

Phoebe:Well maybe you don’t talk about your feelings back then.Maybe you just say something about y’know all the things that he’s taught you.Like…

   We all try to think about one example and don’t succeed.

Elizabeth:Or all the things you taught him.

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