My thumb start rubbing her cl*ts gently at first, then rougher...

" I.. I..." Kimmy stammered.. saya boleh rasa the pressure, her sheath clenching me inside... saya tau apa yang akan jadi seterusnya...

"squirt, baby... come on! Ahhh!" saya pun mau sampai kemuncak... "I'm cumming!"

"blow it out, London!" she screamed.. "blow on me, baby!"

Saya terasa cecair melimpahi my d*ck dengan deras... yeah, baby.. Kimmy's body tensed and she screamed out her release...

Dengan pantas saya melimpangkan dia on the seat and tried to cum on her boobs... tapi saya tidak dapat control, I cummed all over her boobs, neck and face...

Nakal.. she stuck her tongue out to catch the taste of my cum...

Kami bertentang mata, penuh ghairah dan kepuasan.. dan... cinta... we smiled at each other in satisfaction...

"I love the way you love me, Your Honour.." dubs jantung saya... I love the way you love me too, little criminal...


@La Grande Villa di Bestian

Ada nama oh rumah dorang...

Nasib kami sempat merapikan diri dan berpakaian.. tsk...

Lain-lain ni Sydney sama Jelo tengok kami...

"Apa tengok-tengok?" saya mengerling ke arah Sydney...

"Smart saja rambut kau tadi di hotel..." Sydney smirked... kitai... "gini kah kau mau jumpa bapa mentua kau?" astaga, betul juga...

"pinjam sisir bah.." saya bilang..

"sisir pun tidak pandai standby di pocket sendiri.." Sydney ni ah... "kalau kau tau kau tu sundal, lain kali bawa-bawa bah sisir.. kalau bukan rambut kau sisir, bulu togits lah kau sisir..."

Saya sigung si Sydney! Bikin panas! Pantas saya sisir rambut saya...

"ready?" Kimmy smiled at me...

"always..." saya rangkul pinggang Kimmy sambil berjalan seiringan ke dalam rumah dorang...

Sydney and Jelo berjalan perlahan di belakang kami... I noticed Jelo sangat tidak selesa... kenapa muka Jelo macam terpucat..?

"I.. I thought we are going to have breakfast at Ratana?" Jelo sounded so nervous...

"We'll do that tomorrow..." Kimmy assured Jelo.. "I bet daddy and mummy's gonna be so ecstatic to see you after 7 years, Jelo!"

"uh..." saja Jelo jawab...

Kalau rumah Holly di KK besar, rumah Kimmy di Milan lebih 10 kali ganda besar... her butler and maids semua bersedia in every corner of her house...

We continued walking... and walking... macam this house never ending pula...

"Ah.. the BIL..." KURTIS.
"Same to you.." I replied...

Breakfast was held in front of a magnificent scene of greenery and a lake full of swans...

Aii, saya terasa sangat kerdil kalau mau compare kewangan dengan Kimmy and her family... I felt Kimmy squeezed my arm... smiling at me, giving me confidence...

"Sorellina... you left me last night..." tajam mata Kurtis menatap Kimmy...

"You got yourself home clean and shaved, Kurt.." Kimmy membalas...

"Wait.. you have something in your hair..." Kurtis menyentuh rambut Kimmy untuk get the thing off her hair... "shit! What is this?!"

"hah?" terbulat mata Kimmy.. terbulat juga mata saya... 😳

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