
When he stepped out of the house, it was a mess outside. The guards and herd boys were hyperventilating, some with their palms against their knees.
"What's going on?", he questioned. One of the herd boys approached him, running out of breath.
"Mbulazi, the heavily pregnant cow went crazy and began running kicking and making funny sounds. It broke out of the kraal and ran straight here. We were trying to restrain it but we failed", he informed without taking any second to breath. MQ frowned.
"I don't see or hear any cow?"
"It hit the wall, then just fell down and died. It was also bleeding from behind"
Manqoba felt himself running low on battery. He sunk down and sat on the 'stoep' next to Evelyn's flowers.
"Mntungwa, Mbulazi. Ngibiza wena Zikode. Khuluma nami mkhulu"(I'm calling upon you Zikode, speak to me)
He put his hands over his bent neck and dropped his exhausted head.
"Khuluma nami angisazi. Ngcela ungibonise indlela siyangishisa isihlalo sakho"(Show me the way because this task is heavy)
Melo came out of the house in shorts and flops. Manqoba asked him where he was headed. His eyes snitched on the condition of his heart.
"I wanna go get some fresh air...", he reported. Manqoba was doubtful.
"I'll be back just now", Melo assured. The more he had to speak the more impatient he got.
"Okay. But you're taking Musa with you", he commanded and Melo sighed. Musa asked the other guard to give him his phone back so he could leave with Melokuhle, who was already walking near towards the gate. Melo took a purposeless stroll with no particular destination, wondering who the universe will take next just to spite him. He lost three people he values dearly in a single year. Musa tried making conversation but got blatantly ignored. He understood and left a safe following distance between them, with Melo walking in front. He passed by the tuckshop near Ndalo's house and it was still open. She was completely off his mind until she appeared.  He stood still and stopped walking. The streets were too quiet.  He could clearly hear himself think.
"Hey!", she greeted him anxiously He just knew she had no clue and there were questions coming.  He instantly regretted taking that street.
"Hi", he greeted back with a faint and fake smile.
"I'm glad I bumped into you. I've been trying to reach Mxo all day and he's not answering my calls. Do you have any idea what's up with him? He's also off WhatsApp. It's so unlike him I'm worried", she rambled with her small chubby hand on her tummy. Melo sighed and looked back at Musa. He also didn't know what to say. He decided to give them a little space. Far enough not to hear anything but close enough to act quickly if something dodgy was to occur. This made Ndalo more anxious. She could feel her intestines tying up into a hard knot. Melo wasn't okay and she was realizing it with each passing second.
"What's going on?"
"It's not my place to tell you this..."
"What do you mean it's not--  Melo you're his older brother if something is wrong with him who do you expect to let me know if not you?"
Melo sighed. They were standing right in the middle of the road. Almost at the same spot where Mxo first swept her off her feet, when he refused to take any of her NOs for an answer.
"Okay...prrrr", his lips vibrated as he went speechless.
"He's dead.  He got shot this morning", he let out and she slowly closed her mouth with both her hands,agape under them. Melo's eyes were welling up. Ndalo tried to speak but no sound was coming out. She felt hot and cold as a crack travelled down and across her heart.
"You're joking right?"
She was desperate for him to say yes. She was already crying.
"Ndalo...", he softly said sympathetically. She bent her sad lip as it trembled under the upper one.
"How could Mxo just... how could...", she was struggling to breathe. Melo had no choice but to hug her. He knew her pain. He knew how deep it cut. It had no floor; a bottomless dark pit.
"I'm so sorry..."
The were both crying at this point. Melo was fighting it but Ndalo couldn't. 
"Mxo can't leave me now. He can't! Not like this Melokuhle not like this!!!", she was losing it. Melo had no idea what to do. He agreed though. Mxo couldn't just leave like that. He felt like his phone was going to ring any moment from then, and when he answered Mxo would go "Answer the phone demet!!!!" while laughing.
When Melo would also laugh and tell him that:"It is answered demet it is answered!'", Mxo would go "Ebaba, ebaba, I said answer the phoooooone jou msotjhovitjho!!!!". Then they'd both laugh at their stupid selves before diving deep into the call.

RAGE IN ROYALTY (BOOK 2 OF GUGULETHU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz