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Riya Singh was a beautiful girl from Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Talkative, sweet and innocent girl but shy, when it came to boys. She never had the guts to talk to them. Maybe it was the environment she was brought up in, or her inability to change the way her parents thought or viewed other boys.

That is with every parent in India i guess, they are too protective about their girls.

Riya was 5'3  had wavy shoulder-length hair, attractive figure. She was as beautiful inside as she was outside. She loved and cared for everyone and got easily attached to people. Whether it was for friendship or family she gave her best to do everything she can for them.

She was always told by her parents, you can talk to boys, but only that much which is required not more. She kept hearing horror stories of what happened to certain girls who used to be friends with boys and so on from her parents. As much as she wanted to be their friend, she was also very scared.

After her 10th was over she went to a convent  school for the first time. It was the most difficult two years of her life. Her awkwardness around boys made it hard for her to fit in.

She decided after 12th that she needs to do something about this fear or she will always be a scared girl who has a lack of confidence in her.

She figured out a way trying to get out of the same, by chatting through social media platforms .

And she realized that boys are not as bad she thought or rather her parents thought. They are fun, loyal and actually have your back. And they are someone who will never gossip about you behind your back.

She started opening up  but until this time she had talked openly only on social media platforms but not in real.

One day she got a message from  random guy named Pradeep on her Fb account. She never accepted any of the unknown requests but this guy had something in him which made her accept it. He had that maturity on his face which young boys lack. He seemed like a person who has a lot of experience and can be a good friend too. Being as innocent she was, she didn't realize what she was getting into and she accepted Pradeep's request.

This guy was from Gurgaon. He was 12years older than Riya which she had no idea about. When she started chatting with him he seemed like a nice person,someone who cared about her.

Later she realized, being a student of psychology he knew very well how to control minds. In no time he was able to make her believe exactly what he wanted her to believe.

He said one day to Riya, "You are beautiful and innocent girl Riya, girls like you do not exist in this world, there are worse guys outside, they will use you and leave you as soon as they get bored. They will never care for you".  "I am not a boy, I am a man and I will always take care of you,  I love you a lot".

Before saying all this he had already controlled her mind completely, by doing things which she wanted, which every girl craves for. By caring for her all the time, being there for her to cheer her up when she was upset about something at home and by doing all this He made Riya attached to her. But in Riya's mind, she was still confused. She was too innocent to realize her real motives.

She had just stepped out, She had seen nothing in life. Should She be trusting this stranger? But then he never asked her for any wrong demands, like pictures of her or money so maybe he is not that bad. She was blind. She couldn't see what he was doing. He was 30 still unmarried with 5 failed relationships all of it ending with girls leaving him and he insulting them or cursing them that something bad will happen to them.

Riya believed it somewhere that whatever wrong happened to those girls was because he cursed them. She was scared what if he cursed her too.

Pradeep told Riya to marry him in court and run away from the house. She was shocked. She couldn't believe him. He was so strong in controlling minds. Whenever she was upset he used to deal with those things in such a way that she always used to be awed by him.

Now when these upsetting things were happening with her, she did not know whom she should talk to about this. Should She leave him? After all, she never actually met him in real? How can someone have so much control over someone's mind that they start doing what they like? It was unbelievable. But it was not Love.

When reality struck her she knew she was not ready for this, her parents will be so hurt and angry if she suddenly decides to marry a 30yr old person. At that moment she was so weak mentally, and the only person who could help her was the cause of that worry. She was drowning and frowning on her life.

At that time she was in college, her first year was going on. Before this, she never talked to anyone about her personal life and even this guy. Pradeep used to tell her to stay away from all the guys, girls also as they can spoil her. What to wear and eat was also decided by him and she was like a puppet for him, who would do everything he asks for.

She finally decided to break the rules imposed by him. She went the next day to college, She talked to her friends, about this for the very first time.

She told them all about him everything. It felt like, some weight was lifted from her chest. And these girls Gauri and Rhythm. Rhythm told her that "Riya he doesn't love you, he is just a man who is desperate to marry any girl who is young and who can be controlled and you are his victim, and he is not a God that if you leave him, he will curse you and your life will fall apart, he is just scaring you by his stupid stories, please come out of this fear sweetheart, you cannot allow this happening to you, and only you can come out of it. Block him, let him do whatever he wants. Let go the fear, He cannot fucking do anything trust us".

She wanted to believe what Rhythm said, because somewhere inside she already knew it.

She decided something then and their and that was.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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