"Oh, aren't those UA students?!" A random man said as he was pointing at all of us standing

"First years?!"

"I saw them on TV!"

"Sports festival, yay!" the three of them said in unison while we are just smiling at them.

A lot of my classmate had a different things to buy so we decided to parted our ways and meet again later, 3pm

Izuku and I left alone.

"Everyone's really fast" He said as we are standing looking at them walking away to us

"Yeah" I responded, he turned to look at me "Wh-What about you, (Y/N)-san?" he asked me

"I want to get some heavier wrist weights" he added smiling at me, "I need to buy training clothes"

I started "Since every time I'll trained my clothes get wreck" I smile.

I want to go around with Izuku but I know he'll probably freak out if I go with him in the girls clothes shop.

If you know what I mean 😳

"Izuku, I'll comeback to you after buying a clothes, let's just separate for now" I said looking at him

He smile and nod "Okay, see you later" he said, with that I nod and walk away and head to the clothing store.

While walking I bump into someone, just wearing a black hoodie, light blue haired looking down

I quickly bowed "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm not looking at the way" I said apologetic.

He didn't turned to look at me and just walk away... I hope his not pissed or angry at me?

I continue walking as I arrived at the store while searching a training clothes a flashback suddenly pops up in my head.

The guy I bump into earlier is look like the guy I bump when I'm walking in the train station when All For one sensei called me.

I barely recognize his face but since he didn't look at me earlier I don't know if that is the guy a bump into.

I didn't say anything to All for one sensei when he called that day and last, last week when we are changing to our hero costumes.

Because I know to myself that If I talk to him again, I'm going to be manipulated by him again.

I always believe what he says since he is the one who save me from my parents, I'm grateful for saving me at him...

But I don't want to be a villain like him, I want to be a hero like I did before.

Anyways, now that I'm done buying a new training clothes I decided to go where Izuku and I separated

I hope he's still there since I'm quite quick buying these clothes.

I spotted Izuku sitting with a unknown guy holding his neck, wearing a black hoodie.

He is the guy I bump in earlier!

I accidentally use my glitch or should I say my teleport quirk just to get there quickly "Izuku-kun"

I said, he seems removing the hand of the man, holding his neck, he's also tearing up because of straggling.

"You're not a friend...?" I said looking at them, I finally saw the guy face when he look at me slowly, smiling.

He had a red orbs, full of scratches in his neck and also in his eyes like his not moisturizing his skin.

He had a scar on his lips. My eyes winded, scared and nervous at the same time "G-get your hands off him"

I said wearing a scared expression, I don't know why I'm scared but I feel like he can kill Izuku in any seconds he wants.

"It's nothing! I'm fine! so don't come close!" Midorya said panicking looking at me

With that, he let go of Midorya and raise the both of his hands smiling "Oh, you had a friend with you? sorry 'bout that."

Midorya started coughing due to lack of breath, the guy look at Izuku "I'm off, then." he says and mumbled something before stooding up.

I watch him walk away, but then he stopped and turned to look at me in the eyes "You... know sensei, right?"

He said my eyes widened, I don't know if I should say yes or no since I'm not sure if the sensei he was talking about is All for one.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked him, he look at me front to bottom to the top "Who's sensei?"

He gave me a lop sided smile before shooking his head "I'll talk to you soon" he said and started walking way.

I quickly approached at Midorya and check him if he was okay "Izuku!" I said and crouch down to him

He lift up his head as he was trying to catch his breath "Wait, Tomura Shigaraki" Izuku said and look at him

My eyes winded hearing his name and quickly look at the guy, Tomura he is the hand villain attacked us in USJ.

Aizawa sensei told us his name, that's why I know him, so he is one of league of villains...

Which means, he knew All for one sensei and he was talking about him earlier?!

"Shigaraki?" I said, he stopped walking and look at the both of us

"What is All for one after?" Izuku asked made my eyes winded, he knows him...

Did All Might told him about All for one, since the only teacher Izuku close is All Might and I know All Might knew sensei.

"Who knows?" he said and look down "More importantly, you should be careful. The next time we meet will likely be when I have decided to kill you." he said and started walking

I stand up from shocked and look at him as he dissappeared because of the many people walking around.

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