The Thicket.

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After a week of staying upstairs, Jon finally began exploring more parts of the house.  The kitchen was spacious, enough to have a dining table big enough for about 5 people or more. The livingroom was bare for the time being, a tanned shag carpet covered the floor until it reached the Stairs and the entrance to the kitchen.

A tall grandfather clock stood near what looked to be a ironing closet, so old that the pendulum had rusted in place.
Jon took notice to how quiet the house Was as he began to look for his friends. First he checked their room, then went off down the hall again to knock on any of the closed doors before finally checking outside for the car.
"Left without a note, like the usual..." He sighed to himself before going to the kitchen. "Maybe they went to get some new furniture. Yea, that must be it!" He smiled a bit before looking in the fridge. The top shelf was full of Diet Cola, while the second had eggs, a half gallon of milk laying on its side to fit. He looked through the crisper to find some Carrots and Cucumbers. "That's not much but it'll do I'm sure."  Jon closed the fridge and went to look in the cupboards, all he could find was a couple loafs of bread and paper plates.

"They're at the store." He kept telling himself, but something kept him doubting. While looking out the window, he noticed something move in the thicket. It looked like an animal for a moment, so he shook it off before he noticed there was patches of clothes sticking to bramble bushes.

Before Jon could think he began to grab his shoes and walk outside. Curiosity would've killed this cat years ago if it hadn't been for his friends. He limped through the yard, stumbling through the tall grass on the uneven ground. Once Jon had reached the thicket he noticed that the patches of clothes looked as tho they had been blood stained.
He picked up one of the patches and looked around before beginning to follow a old path.
"Hello! Is someone here??" He called out, his voice echoing. He went quiet before following the path more, calling out every now and then. After a bit, the Thicket slowly began to merge with a thick line of trees, but no matter, Jon stuck to the path until it came to a small campsite.

A small canvas tent proped up using a near by tree, and small already burnt out campfire, and a back pack sitting on a log. He looked around a moment before seeing a bright red sweater and navy blue coat drying on a rock. Jon stared at it before realizing what it was. Before he could comprehend what was happening he felt a rough hand on the square of his back shove him forward. He gasped loudly, taking in a breath full of dust and campfire ash.

Jon stuggled to get up, his left hand being burned in the embers. As he began to panic he felt the back of his shirt get pulled up enough to lift him away from the ground, only to be tossed a few feet away onto his back. He coughed heavily into his arm to try and get some clean air into his lungs, the vision in his left eye began to get more and more unfocused as whomever it was got closer to him, how they looked obscured by the bright sun behind them.

But judging by their silhouette, they seemed to have been missing their arm. As John began to catch his breath the person grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up, almost to eye level. His feet dangled as they held him up, his hands desperately gripping their wrist. "I-Im sorry!" He quickly stammers out. "I don't mean any harm, Honest!" A soft whine escaped him as they pulled him closer to their face, a deep scar lined their cheek.

"Pl-Please..Put me down.."

They huffed slightly, dropping him back on the ground and stepped back. Their eyes trained on him until he had gotten up again. Slowly they stepped to the rock and pulls the sweater on, and picked up the jacket. Jon looked at his burned hand a moment before looking at the soldier in front of him. "Are, you out here to his from the army, or because the army wants me dead?"

They turned to look at him, an expression of shock on their face. "You really think your so special as to have the Red Army come hunting you? Oh please, we don't have those sort of resources." They chuckled a bit, stepping towards him. "If they wanted you dead, then you wouldn't have survived the first time." Jon gulped, stepping back.

"Quite a limp, is it because of the 'accident' ?" The more they spoke the more of the accent mask began to disappear.
"Yes, actually." Jon said softly. "I actually might need a cane for this if it gets any worse, and don't get me started on my left eye!" The stranger Chuckled, reaching.over and gripping Jons Collar again. "You're.cute when you're mad. Now cmon, why don't you let me stay at your place, hmm?"

Jon looked to them with a twing of disgust, his face heating up. "And why the heavens would I do that!?" The stranger grinned widely before pulling him into their face. " You don't have much of a choice now, do ya punk?" Jon huffed slightly, glancing to their small camp before looking back again."Fine, but I have a rule. No drinking any of the Diet Coke in the house. That's Eduardo's, and whoever drinks it will, and I quote, "Get beaten up ."

Once the stranger let Jon go, they grabbed the backpack and nudged him to lead the way. The walk back to the house was quiet, but was soon interrupted by the sound.of Mark and Eduardo arguing about how they would get the couch through the front door.

Jon slowly made his way in through the back door with the stranger, freezing in place when he seen Eduardo barge into the kitchen and to the fridge. He grumbled to himself before grabbing a drink and closing the fridge again. "Ah, so that must be infamous diet coke beast." With that Eduardo looked over, his eyes immediately going to the Soldier behind Jon.

"What the hell are you doing with Jon?!" He exclaimed, immediately rushing over to pull Jon away. "Mark, theres a Red Army Soldier!!" The stranger laughed as Mark came stumbling into the kitchen, wielding what looked to be a hefty meter stick. "Oh you people sure know how to party."

Mark looked to Jon a moment, panicked. "Did they Hurt you!? Let me see !" Jon shook his head, looking to the Stranger. "No. no they didn't hurt me..I...I fell..."
Mark nodded a bit, looking to the Stranger. "What are you doing here!?"
They smiled a bit, setting their cost on the back of the dining chair. "Well, your friend here has invited me to stay, you see..He found me in the woods past the thickness where I made camp. It wasn't to shabby but I can't turn down someone want to help me.."

Eduardo looked at Jon a moment, skeptical. "Is this True? Did yo ACTUALLY ask them to stay here?" Jon looked up to Eduardo, nodding slowly before looking to the stranger again. Both Mark and Eduardo sighed in unison before looking to the stranger. "Fine, what's your name anyway?" Eduardo said, sounding already exhausted.

"Oh, how terribly rude of me, My name is

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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