2- "I told you so!"

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As we pulled up into the parking lot of the hotel I could see all of the fans lining up. There had to be at least a hundred girls there.

"Wow." I heard Addison say then she laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking at her.

"How are we going to get in?" She asked.

"I have no clue." I say staring at all of the beautiful girls just waiting to meet their idols.

She looked at the clock and I followed. It was six o'clock.

"Do you think that they're here yet?" She asked me.

I didn't answer as I looked in the direction of a black SUV pulling up to the hotel entrance. All four of the guys exit the car surrounded by security.

"I think they are now." I respond to her a little late.

"Yeah, thanks." She said sarcastically while getting out of the car and going to the trunk. I do the same and open it grabbing my suitcase. I close the trunk and look at her while sighing.

"I have no clue if they are even going to let us in." I say while picking up my suitcase and start walking to the entrance.

"You made reservations, right?" She asked while following me.

"Yeah, so we shou-" I was cut off by running into something hard and fell to the ground dropping my suitcase. All Addison was doing was laughing at me.

I look up to see it was one of the bodyguards looking down at me with a smirk on his face. He holds out a hand for me to take.

I take it and he pulls me up in one swift motion. He then bends down to pick up my suitcase and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say, I was going to walk past him but he stopped me.

"Sorry, no fans allowed in the hotel." He said with his big hand in my face.

I look at his big hand in awe then push it out of my face in anger. I look up at him to also see a look of anger spreading across his face.

"Listen, we paid a lot of money to stay at this hotel. So you're going to let us in." I say confidently.

"How am I supposed to believe that?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Ugh! We have reservations. You can go ask the lady at the front desk if there is a reservation for Charlie Parks." I said in annoyance.

"Fine." He said walking over towards the lady at the desk. She looks at her computer and nods her head.

"I told you it was gonna be hard to get into this place." Addison whispers to me.

I hold my hand up for her to be silent when I see the guard coming back over to us. He is now the one with the annoyed expression.

"You were right, you can go check in." He said like an annoyed little child.

"Ha! I told you so!" I said jumping around him in circles while pointing at him.

"I told you so! I told you so! I tol-" I was cut off by someone clearing their throat.

I look to where the noise was coming from and I see Michael with a humorous smile on his face.

"Are you done tormenting my bodyguard?" He asked while walking over towards us.

"I'm sorry." I say looking over to Addison who was literally going red from holding back all of the excitement.

"It's alright. Ray, you can go now." Michael said turning towards me as Ray starts to walk away.

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