Avatar (Y/N)

386 5 51

-10 years ago-

It was a cold evening in the Southern Water Tribe, a heavy snowstorm was drawing in as members of the White Lotus set out to meet the alleged new Avatar. The members ran to a small igloo where a tall man was standing in front of it, he was very muscular and held a lantern in his hand

"Welcome," said the man, holding the door open for the members of the order

In the igloo, a water tribe woman brushed the floor with a broom, but then stopped when she saw the white lotus

"Hello," said the (M/N) (mother's name)

"I hope that the information is correct and that the new avatar is really here, we have had a lot of mistakes" said one of the members

"I can assure you that (Y/N) is the right one" assured (F/N) (fathers name)

"(Y/N) can you come over here please?" the mother called her 7-year-old daughter

Suddenly a piece of a wall of earth flew away and a little girl with (Y/HS) with (H/C)  with (Y/Ec) eyes stepped out with a grin on her face

"I'm the Avatar! Deal with it !!" shoot the girl and bended water in front of the eyes of the members and the fire, while the order just watched (Y/N) in shock.


(Y/N) was training to tame her fire bending in the southern water tribe. She was about to hit a ball of fire on her opponent, but she still blocked the enemy fire. She got more fire shocks that she dodged, one of her opponents ran up to her and wanted to land a hit in the jump but she rolled off and hit her opponent with her foot, who then stumbled. she now dealt with the other opponent and threw fireballs at them to hit.

"She is strong," said an old Water Tribe woman

"She is uncontrolled," said a member of the white lotus while (Y/N) continued fighting and also eliminated her last opponent.

"wooo" cheered the young Avatar and advise her masters

"Hey guys, why are you looking so depressed, please be happy a little, 3 elements chopped off only one thing is missing, and then- "the girl began but was interrupted by her fire bending teacher

"You shouldn't cheer too early (Y/N) we haven't decided yet whether you have passed your fire bending test"

"Even as a little girl you have perfected the physical side of the bending but ignored the spiritual side, the avatar has to master both of them," explained a member of the White Lotus

"I haven't ignored it until now, it ... it's not that easy for me but let me finally train with Tenzin. He's good at the spiritual," suggested (Y/N)

"Master Katara, do you think she's ready?"

"yes ... the only one who can teach her what she needs is Tenzin," she said the old master

"good (Y/N), it is other time that you learn to bend the air"

"Yes!!" the girl was happy before she noticed who she was talking to and then bowed respectfully

"I mean, thank you for the trust you have placed in me," she said quickly before running to her companion.

"(P/N) you should have seen me, I gave fire like never before and I passed!" she said happily to her polar bear dog who just happily licked her face, also pleased with her friend's victory.

Emotional Flame (Mako x Reader) ON HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now