my crisis

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Hi guys, it's winter. Now, i know this might look really long, but please read it. I'm kinda having a crisis.

Now, ever since I came to my school, there has been a girl called Lily. Lily was always known for being toxic and mean. But recently she's started being a lot nicer. She isn't hanging out with all the gossiping, bitchy popular girls, she's hanging out with the weird nerdy guys. She's becoming more genuine, and really nice. At least to me. There are rumors going around that she told Wynolds crush that he likes him, but i don't know if that's true.

So recently I cut my hair short, styled it really cool, got two piercings on one ear, and I'm really feeling like me, and she noticed it. I've had lots of girls start to say that I look 'ho- nice.', but she was doing it the most. Lets just say i loved it. I lapped it up so much, and did it back to her. It was fun. Really fun. SHE KISSED MY CHEEK THREE TIMES. AND KEPT SAYING THAT I WAS REALLY HOT. Anyway, we went to a party for school yesterday night. I got pretty dressed up in this BOSS blazer, and put MAKEUP ON FOR ONCE. I felt really awesome.

She was there.

The party was a skate party, and she could skate. SO WELL. SHE IS SO HOT WHEN SHE SKATES OMG HELP ME. But she wasn't flirting with me anymore. I needed her attention like I needed air, so I kept trying to go up to her. She kept doing tricks and stuff for me, but nothing else.

I'm so confused tho. Because i have really strong feelings for her, but they aren't romantic. Which i know just sounds like i'm aromantic, and that would be easy, but it isn't like that. I need her to talk to me, I need her to flirt with me, I just need her.So there have been rumors that she is with a dude called George, but i didn't know if they were true, so i asked her at the party. It was right at the end, so she said she would text me. She didn't. I asked when I got home and she ignored me.

then in the morning I wrote this whole thing referring to lily as her, but sent it to lily. it was all about this girl that made me confused and the game we play. I asked her if she thought that the game was real. 

it said read two hours ago.

WHAT DO I DO??????

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