"It's Not Like I Don't Like Him! I----".

"Then Let's search for him and bring him back". He cut her but she turns the other side.

"Mom...you want him or not?". She covered her mouth and cried.

"I....I Don't...I Just Can't....".

"Then...I will do it". His mother looked at him all shocked.

"Son You----".

"Dad, you don't have to do that, he is my brother, I wanted to have a brother for a long time, and now I have one, I need to search for him and take care of him, he is a victim of a mistake". He walks away to his room and his father sighed.

"He is still young, how will he find him?".

"I hope he can't find him, I don't want to see him at all, he was a mistake and I get ruin of it, let it stay away from me, why don't you understand me??". She shouts and goes to her room, he sighed and sit on the chair.

"I understand you, but....he is still an innocent child".

End Of Flashback

"I finally found you, I will never let you go".

Two months passed, Zan Jin gets up and go to the kitchen and saw Cici there cleaning the dishes.

"Good morning Auntie".

"Good morning Zan Jin, have a seat and eat your breakfast".

"Thanks, where is Xiao Zhan?? ". He looks around but didn't find him.

"In his room, he didn't get down since yesterday".

"But he used to get up early, I will check on him". He gets up again and walks to Xiao Zhan's room on the second floor, he looks at Yibo's room and finds it open, he knocks on the door and opens it wider and see Xiao Zhan sitting on the bed looking at some photos.

"Good morning~ I was searching for you, let's have breakfast together". He said and Xiao Zhan shakes his head slowly.

"I don't have an appetite". Zan Jin sighed and sit next to him.

"I know it's hard for you to sit around the table without him, but you have to eat, how will you take care of him when he returns to us? You look so pathetic right now you know?". Xiao Zhan looks at him and pouted.

"I don't feel angry when you say that". Zan Jin rolled his eyes.

"Even if I beat you, you will not do anything, let's go and eat, your mother is super worried about you, she is already worried about Yibo, don't let her worry about you too, think about her at least". He said slowly and Xiao Zhan looks at the photo where he and his mother with Yibo, he smiles and nodded.

"Yeah, mom is worried, one is enough for her".

"Good, let's go".

He dragged him down and Cici smile seeing her son coming down and eat, suddenly he stopped, and his tears start falling.

"Xiao Zhan What's Wrong??". Xiao Zhan looks at his mother and Zan Jin.

"What if.....What if that day didn't come and he didn't wake up??". Zan Jin frowned and get angry at what he heard, he slammed his hand on the table angrily.

"Well That Will Happen Because Of You Then! You Keep Saying This Will Happen That Will Happen To Him! When it Happen You Will Say 'See! I Told You!', Stop Your Negative Thoughts Already! He Will Live!  He Will Wake Up!  He Will Return To Us And I Believe That!  Now Finish Your Food And Go To School! It's Your Farewell Party!". He said annoyingly and take the bread into his mouth and leave the house.

Xiao Zhan wiped his tears and his mother suddenly giggle at him and he looks at her.

"Why are you laughing?? He scolded me". She shakes her head and smiles at him.

"And you deserve it, he is like a mother figure, he is worried about you two". Xiao Zhan pouted and continue eating.


Xiao Zhan went to school, but he didn't have the well to talk or to do anything, even the students notice the gloomy face of him from the first step he took into the class, they celebrated his last day and he thanked them for everything, he even cried to see all the students love him so much, he wished that Yibo was in the photo he took with the class. It should be months ago, but because of what happened to Yibo he missed the last two days at school and he graduated without saying his farewell words to his students, and now they insisted to give him a farewell party.

After finishing school, he and Zan Jin went home together silently, when they enter, they surprised to see Hai Kuan there sitting with Cici in the living room.

"Kuan? What Are You Doing Here??". Zan Jin asked and Hai Kuan stands up to bow to them.

"I'm here to inform you that we transferred Yibo to a nearby hospital, so it will be easier for you to come and visit him". He said and Xiao Zhan stands in front of him.

"Is there any development in his condition?? ".

"He is responding to us by moving his fingers from time to time, but still no sign of awake in his eyes". He said and Xiao Zhan looks down sadly.

"Can we visit him today?". Cici asked and Hai Kuan nodded to her.

"Sure you can, I will be the one in charge of taking care of him personally".

"You sure like him so much to take care of him this much". Zan Jin said and Hai Kuan smiles at him.

"Well...you can say that". Xiao Zhan frowned and step closer to him.

"What does that mean?". Hai Kuan shakes his head.

"You got me wrong, I like him, but I can't say why, I will tell you later". Xiao Zhan raised his eyebrows.

"You look so suspicious, I will not let you be in his charge, I am afraid if you are like those who took advantage of him, I Won't Allow That". He said firmly and Hai Kuan looks him.

"Since when you know Yibo?".

"I took him when he was 5, and since then he is under our care". Cici said and Hai Kuan smiles to at her and bowed.

"I'm so glad and thankful that he was with you all this time, you really took a good care of him, and I can see that you are really a good person".

"Wait Wait Wait, you talk like you know him". Hai Kuan felt hurt in his heart, he doesn't know Yibo at all, he only knows that they share the same mother.

"I don't....I wish that I have known him earlier, but I am glad to find him". Zan Jin, Xiao Zhan and Cici look at each other than at him.

"What do you mean?". He looks at them and smiles bitterly.

"I didn't want to tell you this now, but...you are his family and need to know that, I am his brother, Wang Hai Kuan, his brother from the same mother".


Hope you like this chapter🤗

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