Quinn Fabray 7 pt2

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After you arrived in New York City you and the rest of the kids were sitting in Times Square. Most of them were eating while you were talking pictures. You had taken one of Finn and Artie than one of Quinn and Britt than a couple of just Quinn than you turned around and took a picture of Rachel who was taking it all in. You were taking it all in. This was your future. This is where you wanted to be. You took a bunch of photos of the buildings and the signs and the pure beauty till Tina spoke up. "I want to hit up Central Park, get my frolic on." She said. "I want to throw stuff off the Brooklyn Bridge." Puck said as Lauren agreed. "I want to take pictures of Yankee Stadium." You said putting your camera down around your neck and gazing at everything around you. "Guys, hold on. I mean, we still have two songs to write."Finn said making you smile. "You guys have songs to write Im just here on a technicality." You picked up your camera again snapping a picture of the 'Wicked' Sign. "Okay, Mr. Bossy Pants. But I think we have some time for a tune before we leave." Kurt said as he started singing "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today, I want to be a part of it New York, New York" He was cut off by Rachel as you climbed the bleachers "Guys, I have news. To celebrate our impending win at nationals... I got us all 14 tickets to Broadway's longest-running show ever... Cats." "Whoo!" Brittany cheered. "Yeah, you did?" You asked confused not really paying attention 'cause you were still taking pictures. "You might want to check the dates on those tickets, Rachel... because Cats closed about 11 years ago." Quinn said. "Yeah I think she's right." You agreed as Rachel frowned. "He did seem crazy. He charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt crack." You chuckled. "If I were you Id wash that off immediately."


You had arrived at the Hotel walking with Tina and Mercedes as you took pictures of the super fancy looking hotel. Well it was super fancy for what you've ever seen. "Did you know that New York City was built... right on top of Old York City?" Mercedes said gazing around in awe. "I'm pretty sure that's not true." You said taking a picture of the chandelier that was right above you. "Well, I'm just pretty." She said as her and Tina walked away. With your eye still in the little 'peep hole' on your camera you panned around and saw Rachel, you snapped a few pics of her until Finn got in frame making you drop your camera. Your heart hurt a little but not enough for you to make a stink about. You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked over to see Mr Shue. "Heres your key card. You have your own separate room since your Father paid your expenses and if your gonna share a room with anyone you have to inform me but it cant be a boy, unless its Kurt or Finn." You nodded understanding. "Have you seen Lauren or Puck?" He asked as well. You scanned around until you both spotted the two at the bar. He left as you put your key card in your pocket picking up your camera once again searching for some glee club members to snap pics of. You spotting the unholy trinity standing over a table so you took a few candid pics of them before you walked over to them. "Hey guys." You said leaning your elbows on the table. "Hey" They all said. Your barely conversation was cut short as Mr Shue called you guys for a meeting in the room. 


You all had arrived in the boys room as you and your brother were looking at the menu. "Do you know that I can get an ahi tartare and a steak sandwich... at 3:00 in the morning from their all-night dining menu?" You gasped "and a strawberry sundae! I feel like Eloise." "I have pills for that" Brittany said making you furrow your eyebrows causing Rachel to giggle as she was looking at you. A coat of red brushed over your cheeks as Mr. Shue started talking. "All right, guys. This is your time. Now, you are all on lockdown... till you finish writing our songs for nationals. I want at least two solid verses by the time I get back." You raised your hand. "Do I have to stay too?" You asked wanting to put your shit down and explore the city. "Uhm, no you can go to your room if you dont wanna be here, but dont go out unless youre with someone." You nodded. "Peace suckers." You said about to walk out the door until Finn stopped you. "Aren't you gonna help us?" Puck asked the both of you. "No." You said blatantly. "I, um- I will be back... and read your amazing creations and give notes. But right now I have to head to the theater to, uh, fill out some paperwork." Mr shue left first as you were about to leave. "nah- stop right there." Sam said making you turn around. "What?" You asked a little annoyed. "How come you get your own room?" "Well, my father paid for my trip so I get my own room, simple as that. Im only two rooms down." You went to leave again and this time no one stopped you.

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