Chapter 2

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As the trip continues,Many are asleep,and Zayrus is snorting loudly.Zayrus is a big one,he is a different breed of aliens and I believe he is one of the 235 big ones who will go to earth.

Marcus is asleep and I notice the other girl besides me.She is shaking and I notice the fear in her eyes.

"Are you okay?"I ask the girl.

"Hey do you hear me."I say and she is snap back in reality and shake her head before saying "Y...yeah im good im know scared."She half smiles.

"Here."I hand the vibrator and she smiles.She thanks with a nod and take the vibrator right into her pussy.

"Feeling good now?"I smile obviously amuse.


Minutes pass by and when she finally cum she lick the vibrator to clean it and hand it to me."Thank you."she said.

"No problem."I smile"Allisa by the way."

"Irma"She looks lovely.

"We are landing in Vancouver,Canada.Be prepared and start slamming your head in the wall because you will be uncomfortable in the new atmosphere."The pilot said and we all slam our head in the wall.

DDReported's POV

Its 9:00am now and I stop my alarm.

I prepare an egg and toast and roast a few tomatoes for my breakfast.

I grab my phone and check the notifications.Wattpad 1 new comment.
"You disgusted me you slutshamer"Someone said.

Does she not know that I am the queen of wattpad.

"Bitch dont fight on me,Fuck off and go to other comments hoe."I said.

Gladly she fuck off

My comment is over 1.8k comments know and I made friends here.I wish it will stay the same.

I will not go to another fight again because no one will dare to.

I go to my garden and water my plants and I notice that there is something falling out at the sky.Its violet maybe shooting star.

I aint gonna wish because thats just a myth.

I go to my bedroom and sit in the bed,reading whatever I want to read.

Allisa's POV

"Aliens were gonna land now,prepare for an impact.Wear seatbelts"The pilot instructs.

I stare at the window and notice 6 more ships landing including the mother ship.

Mother ship is where are general will be.He is good at being a demonic asshole that people will die instantly in one joke.

"Holy shit!"Marcus said obviously scared.

"My seatbelt cant fit."Zayrus said

"Prepare for impact in 10"The pilot said.

"Holy shit fuck im screwed!"Zayrus said.


"All ancestors please save me."Zayrus said.


"Uh oh."Marcus said.


"Braised for impact"

We landed in the forest and Zayrus fell into his seat and landed on the pilot's door and he bounces like a basketball.

All the aliens laugh including me.Obviously amuse."Fuck you all!"Zayrus said.

"Welcome to earth."I said.


(Im gonna post the 3rd chapter later.Please vote I love you guys)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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