chapter 1 : I won but at what cost

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       Joe Bidens POV
~~~~~~~~~fuck me in the ass~~~~~~~~

      I stand at my podium, waiting for the results of the election. Donald stands across from me, his sandy hair almost drenched in sweat. Looking out into the audience I see thousands of people all sizes and colors. One person catches my eyes though. Obama is in the audience smiling at Mitchell, I'm really happy for my friend. He's found his happiness.....while im a omisexual disaster who has a huge crush on my enemy.

        A loud voice steals me from my thoughts, coming back to reality I find out it's time to find out the results.

"And the 46th president of the United States of America is...."

   I can feel the tension in the air. It's like everyone is holding their breath. Looking into the crowd it's like for once both sides are the same, nervous.  Looking over at Donald I see him holding his breath. His icy blue ice holding a sence of regret. Huh.....i wonder why?

"Joe Biden."

My eyes open wide as half of the crowd erupts into cheers. looking over at the Republican side I see them with glassy eyes, the women crying over the fact that her daddy didn't win.

      I look over at Trump again, his face seemed.....happy? Did he want me to win? Is he glad he isn't president? Questions overcome me as people congratulate me.

The next day
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my names is jeff~~

     Still Bidens POV

    Watching Donald walking out of the Whitehouse was the worst moment of my life, for I know that I will never see him again. Our love is forbidden, and that is something I cannot change.

        I may of won this time, but by doing that.....i lost my one true love.

Trump x Biden, a long road for love Where stories live. Discover now