"She warns me not to overstep the traditional rules of a courtship and thinks inviting you into the common room was a step too far," said Ursula. "She also adds that just because of the 'inferior circumstances' of my birth, I should feel no need to compensate by moving quickly to secure a relationship."

"Merlin, I'm so sorry," said Hadrian. "I'll write to her and correct this, I swear."

"Why — why were you in the common room?" managed Cassius between laughs.

"I was showing him some family pictures," said Ursula. "How did your mother even find out?"

"No idea," said Hadrian. "I never even told her about it."

"This is terrible for you, I'm so sorry," said Lilian, though she was still bursting with giggles. Ursula rolled her eyes and smiled. "To think — that you —"

She and Cassius lapsed into a fresh round of laughter. Ursula's eyes narrowed and landed on a particular sixth year Slytherin a little ways down the table from where she was sitting. He was casually reading the paper while Vanessa chatted with him.

"I'll see y'all in Potions," said Ursula, standing up and slinging her bag over her shoulder. "I'm off to History of Magic."

"I can walk with you," offered Hadrian, prompting Ursula to recall the terms of their agreement. She smiled, though it was entirely fake, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Not today," she said. "Oh, and I'm helping Cedric with Transfiguration at lunch, so I won't see you until dinner."

"Alright," said Hadrian. "See you then."

Ursula departed the Great Hall, looking for a particular set of redheads. She was headed to History of Magic, but she had a small task of revenge to deal with beforehand. They were easy to spot, strolling across the entrance hall with Lee Jordan, and she hurried over to them.

"Hey!" she called, causing them to stop and turn.

"What's the rush, Black?" said Fred, as she came to a stop in front of them.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something," said Ursula.

"What sort of something?" asked Lee.

"Do tell," prompted George.

"How fast could you prank someone on short notice?" asked Ursula. "I want to get revenge on someone."

The Weasleys and Lee grinned and shared excited looks with one another.

"A prefect? Wanting to prank someone?" teased Fred.

"And revenge, she's clearly not messing around," added George.

"Who on?" said Lee.

"Jacob Selwyn," said Ursula. This delighted the boys even more. She knew they never passed up an opportunity to prank a Slytherin, much less one they didn't like.

"Why?" asked Fred.

"He wrote to Hadrian's mother and said something about me that wasn't true," said Ursula. "I thought it was quite rude of him, and I think it's time he learned his lesson."

"Yes, how rude," said Fred seriously.

"Very," added George. Ursula sighed good-naturedly.

"We can probably work something out," said Lee. George gave a fake long-suffering sigh.

"But on such short notice —" he said.

"I'll pay you, if you like," offered Ursula.

Before George could speak, Fred jumped in and said, "There's no need."

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