Feels ( Part 2)

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The clock ticked above her. 33 minutes more and it's wake up time , sunshine. Every puff of air through her mouth quivered. The beats to the only thing that kept her alive wrenching in pain. Breathing , it didn't exist anymore.
The world slowed. "Stop it, please stop it" .
The thoughts invaded her peace.
The future build itself on Sandy beaches waiting for the tide to come and wash our wishes away. "Hope , dear hope , where have you been ?"
Hold my hand tighter
Are the torches going out ?
I can't see the path , I don't the right thing to say.

Allow your agony to rage into ecstasy,
Scream until your heart stops hurting and the pain in your soul becomes bearable.
I know you're burning yourself alive at the stake , and you are an exquisite martyr.

But I have enough tears trapped inside me to douse the flames, I just need time to set them free.
I promise I will save you. Please don't give up hope before I find a way to fix this.

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