Addison nods her head slowly. I gently nudge Chloe her way, and she takes Addison's hand. Addison walks with Chloe through the door, and I blow Chloe one last kiss. "I love you, Chloe," I say as they walk out the door, hoping it isn't the last time I'll see her. 

Fiona claps her hands once the door is shut. "What a lovely performance that was." 

A tear slides down my face, and Ezra looks at me. 

"Don't touch her," Lucy says, pointing the gun at us as Ezra starts moving closer to me. 

Ezra's hand drops to his side. "What do you want from us?"

Fiona sneers. "I want her to stop getting everything she wants," Fiona says, scowling at me. "She took my man, and she took my sister's."

"Lucy didn't love him," I say. "You made her do this."

Fiona narrows her eyes. "You don't know a thing."

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask, my temper starting to rise. "What good would that really do for you?"

Lucy's face seems to be getting a little pale, and I notice her hands are shaking. "Fiona," Lucy starts, her breath a little shaky. Her hand falls to her stomach. "I don't feel so good."

"Maybe you should sit down," Ezra says, and he begins walking toward Lucy. 

Fiona quickly yanks the gun away from Lucy and points it at Ezra. "Don't move," she says, her chest rising and falling quickly. 

Lucy clutches her stomach and doubles over. "I think something's wrong," she says. She groans in pain. 

"Let us help," I say. My hand falls to my stomach, sympathizing with Lucy's pain. "Please." I slowly take a step, but I'm met with Fiona now pointing the gun in my direction. 

"I said don't move," she says. 

"That's your sister for god's sake!" Ezra holds his arm out. "Help her!"

Lucy faints, falling to the ground. Fiona crouches down beside her, but she keeps the gun pointed in our direction. "Don't try anything funny," she says. 

I look at Ezra, who's eyes are wide. 

Lucy's eyes slowly close. "Lucy?" Fiona asks. "Call for help!" she says, waving the gun our way. "Hurry!"

Ezra pulls his phone out of his back pocket. His hand shakes as he dials 911. "I'm at Destin high school. I need some help. A pregnant women is passed out." I watch as Ezra nods his head, listening to the operator. "We're in room 232. It's on the second floor." Ezra hangs up the phone, and he turns to Fiona. 

"Help me take her downstairs!" Fiona says. 

Ezra's eyes stare at the gun in her hands. "The 911 operator said not to move her."

"I don't care what they said." Fiona points the gun at Ezra. "Help me!" 

I watch as Fiona shoves the gun in  the front of her pants. 

Ezra finally moves, and he crouches down at Lucy's feet. "Grab her head, but be very gentle. We don't want to hurt her or the baby," he says. 

Fiona nods. I stare at her face, and I can see she actually looks nervous. I want to feel bad for her, but then I remember why we're here. My only concern is getting Ezra and I out of this safely.

"On three," she says. She counts to three, and I watch as her and Ezra lift Lucy. 

I hurry to the door, opening it for them, and I follow behind them. I scan the hallways, but they're empty. My eyes move to the gun in Fiona's pants. "We can take the elevator," I say, hoping to get downstairs quicker. 

"We can't," Ezra sighs. His breath is short. "They always power the elevators off in emergencies like this," he says, his eyes moving to Fiona. 

Fiona doesn't meet his eyes. She's instead looking at Lucy. "We need to hurry," she says. "I want to make it down before the ambulance."

I hurry ahead of them, and I open the door that leads to the stairs. Once they pass me, I follow slowly behind, keeping a close eye on the gun in Fiona's jeans. 

"We're almost there," Ezra says, stepping down on the last flight. 

Once they get to the bottom, I want to smile in relief, but my happiness is interrupted as I watch Fiona slip on the last step. 

"No!" I shout, watching the gun fall out of her jeans. My horrific screams are overshadowed by the noise of the gun going off. 

Everything becomes a blur as I grab onto the stair railing, my hands holding on hard. I watch Lucy fall the short distance down, and I'm horrified as I watch Ezra fall behind her. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Fiona's blonde hair disappear out the door. 

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