He could see that he wasn't going to be able to change her mind and wanted to slap himself for yelling at her last and saying the things he had. Now he was going to have to do the next week or so without her until returned home.


Britta could see his depressed, forlorn expression even with his mask on as he trudged into hospitality and she sighed heavily. This weekend could be hard enough with new track layout not at all suiting the below par SF1000, now things had hit another rough patch with his wife and the weekend was going to be a whole lot tougher. Keeping him motivated during his media commitments over the rest of the weekend was going to be hard.

"She gone." He muttered miserably as he shrugged off his rucksack and dumped it on a chair. "She's taken Luis and they've gone back home."

"I wish there was more I could have done, I tried to tell her that you deserve her trust but this has really knocked her for six." Britta replied. "At least when you're in the car you won't have so much time to dwell on it."

"It's all my fault." He groaned, forgetting about his mask and rubbing his face with his hands, dislodging the mask in the process. "We rowed....."

"I know, I think the whole room heard you both." She remarked.

"I told her to leave, to go home, I even told her to go back to Southampton."

"I know." Britta repeated. "And now she wants to go but you want her to stay, right?"

"I asked her to stay but she refused. She said she's sick of Viviana and can't deal with anymore."

"Maybe it's for the best, sometimes when you two argue it's good to put a bit of space between you." She reasoned, trying to make him feel less depressed.

"I'm going to be thousands of miles away from my wife and son, how is that for the best?" He whined.

"It'll give you both time to clear your heads."

"I don't want to clear my head, I want to clear my name. I want to find that fucking woman and get her to admit to the bullshit she's come out with so that Chloe will know she can trust me."


Chloe was nearly at the airport when she decided to ring her mum back home. She just needed someone to talk to, someone who wasn't Britta or Heikki or Seb's parents.

Heikki, who'd borrowed the rental Maserati from Seb after he'd insisted and said that he'd get a lift with Charles, glanced at her phone screen as it's bright display caught her eyes. He was about to try and talk some sense into her, to tell her how ridiculous he thought it was that she didn't trust Seb but seeing her lift her phone to her ear he knew he'd have to keep quiet for now.

"Hey mum, sorry if it's a bit early back home. You ok? How's Rich?"

"I was expecting you to call." Chrissie started without saying hello. "What's going on? Is it true?"

Chloe couldn't keep up her strong, angry facade anymore and she crumbled. "Everything's such a mess."

"Oh my god! It's true?!" Chrissie exclaimed.

"I don't know." She croaked, already finding it hard to speak. "I don't know what to believe, all I know is that I can't take anymore."

"You don't know if he's cheated on you or not? Personally, I don't think he would. I've seen the way he is with you, he thinks the world of you, he dotes on you."

"Remember when he had sex with Eva?"

"Of course I do."

"I can't get over it." She confessed tearfully. "He accused me of still being hung up over it and he's right."

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