Chapter 14 - The talk

Start from the beginning

“Good.” Cam blurted out and it was the second time I had seen Cam actually look angry at the idea of Chris and Sara together.

“I know you don’t like him, Cam.” Sara said shaking her head.

“I like him fine. I just don’t like anyone who hurts my friends. He may not be hurting you now, but he will.” She sounded so sure like she knew things she wasn’t yet ready to tell. And knowing Cam that was very possible.

“People change, Cam. Look at your own brothers.” Megan offered gently but she knew like I did, Cam didn’t talk out of her ass.

The rest of the night was oddly normal, even for us. We popped in movie after movie until there was no one left awake. It was a nice feeling just being there with the women and having girl talk. As much as I knew them, as much time as I spent with each of them there were still things I didn’t know. They were all complex and different. Like their love story was.

The next morning I woke up to Cam hitting me in the head with a pillow. I growled at her lowly and looked around the room to see everyone was already awake and smirking down at me. I wiped my face quickly thinking I had been drooling or something, which only made them laugh even more.

“What?” I asked them, frowning now at them laughing at a barely awake me.

“Zander, slow down.” Sara mimicked me and my mouth fell open as I looked around the room.

“Too fast, Zander.” Cam gushed holding the pillow to her chest and looking dreamy eyed. Have I ever mentioned I hate my friends?

“What were you dreaming about, Aims?” Megan joked picking up her daughter who was giggling in her arms.

“It’s not what you think.” I tried to defend myself but could feel the embarrassment growing.

“Its ok, Aimi. We all have some spicy dreams about our men from time to time.” Dominique said trying to be reassuring though she was laughing too.

“Hell, I have had them right next to Jason and woken up to him teasing me relentlessly.” They laughed each shaking their heads but I was still too embarrassed.

“Really, it’s not what you think. I was dreaming about Zander but it wasn’t that kind. We were in the woods.”

“Oh, steamy.” Cam interrupted me, I picked up the nearest pillow and through it at her face.

“We were racing!” I yelled at the group and threw the blanket over my head. It was true we were but their teasing only made me embarrassed. Did she-wolves really have those types of dreams about their partners?

“Aims, we are sorry. We believe you, honey.” Angelique said gently but there was still humor in her voice as she said it. I had to admit if it had been Cam I would have teased her too, so I let the blanket fall and smiled at them.

“Though our version is so much better.” Leave it to Cam to make me rethink my forgiving them.

“We all aren’t horn dogs like you, Cam.” I glared at her but the room erupted into laughter causing me to look at them like they were insane.

“You do realize every time we leave you two alone someone ends up catching you two in a lip lock, right?” Sara said first while all the women were nodding. I ducked my head knowing they were right. Since the day we became engaged every chance Zander got he was pulling me into his arms.

“It’s Zander’s fault.” I shot back at them only causing them to laugh more.

“His fault he is so hot and you can’t stay away from him?” Cam asked elbowing me in the side. I snickered softly.

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