Y/n: hey keep your stupid pretty eyes on the road bitch
You said with a choked up laugh

Billie rolled her eyes at you with a playful chuckle and finally focused on the road

You finally arrive at your house, your anxiety is sky high and you are already starting to regret coming home

Billie: want me to come with you?

Y/n: no, please stay out here?

Billie: of course I'll be here when you get back

When you walked in the house your mom shot her glance to the door, seeing you she immediately got angry

Mom: where the fuck were you?

Y/n: I was with Billie, perfectly safe

Y/n: so... how is it with your new boyfriend?

Mom: shit, I'm sorry I didn't want you to find out like that, and I was gonna introduce you, I just thought you know it had been so long since your dad... I thought it was time I moved on


Mom: I'm not forget-


You stormed out the door mumbling "bitch" under your breath as you left your mom standing inside shocked and frozen

Y/n: let's go come on
You aggressively say to Billie as you get in the car, she drives off, no questions asked

Almost an hour of just driving

The car was silent the only noise being the tires speeding across the pavement and the humming of the engine, it was so eerie, just like the first night.

Billie: so... how'd it go?
You were snapped out of your drowsy trance darting your eyes down

Y/n: it didn't go great, we just yelled, and fought, I was out of the house before I even fully realized I was in

Billie: will you be ok?
Billies voice was full of uncertainty, not sure how to respond to the situation

Y/n: yeah, don't worry about it, I'll be fine

Billie: I'm your girlfriend! I'm going to worry!

Y/n: I- you're right, but I just need some time to process thing's

Billie pulls to an abrupt stop, which startles (how tf do you spell that) you. She turns to you gives you a smile and says "come on get out", you're confused but get out of the car.

Y/n: Billie what? Where are we going? We're in the middle of no where?

Billie: follow me!
She grabs your hand, half dragging you across the street, to a clearing in some trees, and when you got through? A huge beautiful field of green grass, the sun was setting and the sky was a pink orange, it was so amazing.

Billie: follow me! She grabs your hand, half dragging you across the street, to a clearing in some trees, and when you got through? A huge beautiful field of green grass, the sun was setting and the sky was a pink orange, it was so amazing

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Did I literally take a photo from google? Yes. Yes I did

Y/n: wow... Billie how did you find this place?

Billie: not super sure, just kinda stumbled across it

Y/n: well it's gorgeous

Billie: not as gorgeous as you

Y/n: stfu wack ass hoe

Billie: way to ruin the moment
You and Billie laugh the snarky remarks off, you run around and play, (this some main character shit) the sun has almost fully set, you and bil have been playing around for almost an hour when you meet back in the middle of the field. Billie slips her arms around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. After a second you pull away.

Y/n: I love you

Billie: I know, now kiss me
You giggle and kiss her back, passionately.
Billie pulls away flustered.

Billie: I- uh, maybe not out in the open? Sorry I just don't want anyone seeing us yet

Y/n: *you laugh* yeah no I get it. Come one, let's take this home
You say while grabbing billies wrist and running back to the car

(1269 words) A/n: Oop- sorry for not updating in so long, this is kinda a long chapter (sorry this also ended going back to the car) I'm going to focus on updating a little bit on tiktok, then I will update a whole bunch on here, winter break is soon so I will have lots of time off from school to work! Love y'all ❤️

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