chapter 4 the train

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you woke up on the morning you were set to go back to Hogwarts, with a foot in your face. you had forgotten that you had fallen asleep on the couch the night before, with harry you looked over and sure enough those feet in your face were the one the only harry potters feet you were a little  weirded out   about how you ended up with his feet in you face because you fell asleep on his shoulder but you weren't  going to question it you got up and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast only to see George and Katie being all cuddly.   you almost turned around and left but then you had a weird little kid thought it was such an old line but you knew it would stop them from being all lovely dovey so you said 

" hey you two can you please get a room i don't need to see this before my morning tea." 

it back fired instead of them being less cuddly they got even more cuddle just to get under your skin. but stop the second they heard mom and dad coming down the starts. as soon as mom came down stair the day officially got started everyone was woken up and was told to pack there trunks and your father had to go off to work, which was a surprise  for most of the children and Percy insisted  on going with him. so your mom when out to get some cabs so you could all get to kings cross you were almost ready to go all you had to do was go up stair and grab you pet toad,(yes i said pet toad get over it. toads are cool in there own special way.)  after garbing  everything you needed from up stair you headed out to the muggle cabs to see everyone standing there watching the cab drivers trying to fit 8 trunks in the back.


you were on the train to Hogwarts you were so existed you missed a lot of your friends were hufflpuffs and i mean you haven't seen Neville since last year and you and him have been friends forever. you missed a lot of thing but one thing you missed more then anything position and even thought every other gryffindor hated it you loved it with a burning position, people always thought it was because you had a crush on Snape which was gross you hated Snape no you loved position's because you love mixing things and making  mistakes and creating things you also loved it because you got to sit beside Draco the reason for this was that last year Snape had given everyone seat that they were to sit in every class you had the luck of sitting next to Draco. you thought about all of this as you sat in a compartment with harry, Hermione, and  Ron harry sat next to you your leg acrossed his lap his face looked redder then normal but you payed no attention to it you tried to get involved in the conversation but just couldn't so  you got up and walked out to find a compartment to your self. finally you found one or so you though as you sat down you notice that Draco was asleep in the seat acrossed form you you didn't want to bother him but before you could get up to leave was waking up and you just sat down thinking maybe just maybe he wouldn't be mean to you i mean you were the only Weasley he seemed to be remotely ok with. as he sat up he said. 

" y/n what are you doing in here i mean you can be in here it not my compartment in mean how long have you been there please tell me you haven't been watching me sleep." 

you laugh but only under your breath because you knew he would say some thing  and then you answered him.

" hello to you too Draco, i was trying to find a quiet spot to think, i know it's not your compartment, iv'e only been here for a few seconds and no i have not been watching you sleep dose that answer all your question." 

he nods and a  few minute go by in silence then out of nowhere he asked you how your summer when and of course you answer you tell him all about how the boys what to pick up harry and how Hermione came over and how your older brothers came home and how you won a bet that Ireland would win and how you had to watch 4 muggle men try to put 8 trunks in they back of muggle taxis it was so much fun to watch him smile you could tell he hadn't smiled in awhile.  it felt good to brighten his day then he left the compartment and said. 

" you can tell anyone we had this talk if people found out that i was friends with a Weasley my friends would have my head ok y/n please don't tell anyone." 

you agreed and he left you sat there for another few minute and then got up and walked back to the compartment were Hermione , Harry , and Ron were and sat down again they keep asking what you had done and why you were gone so long all you could say was you walked around for a little bit and caught up with some friends from last year they seemed to believe your story. then you reach Hogwarts and got of the train and road the horseless carriages to the castle and when't into the feast. 

a/n sorry this took so long to put out I've been vary busy lately and i'm also sorry if this is trash.

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