Part 1

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Nick's eyes fluttered open.

She felt... almost peaceful. That strange drunk feeling your body gets when you finally get enough sleep seemed to keep her paralyzed to her bed. After weeks of hardly any sleep due to stress, it had felt nice to get some sleep.

Nick sat up, looking to see if Molly was still asleep. Molly's bed was made and it looked as though she had been gone for hours. Nick wondered how late she had slept in for. She never slept in.

Last night, Nick had tried to run away. She had a one-way bus ticket headed to Seattle, a good 2 hours from Thompson's cozy and warm home. She had been expecting to walk off that bus and into the cold streets with a new name, and a fake ID, hoping that she could get a job. She had been expecting to end up on the streets, or best at a homeless youth shelter, trying to forget the love she had finally found in the Thompson home. But she had known it wouldn't last.... It couldn't last. Not after how badly she hurt them.

She was a monster.

But they had come... her being a monster and all. After all the pain she had put them through and all the lies she had told them, they had come. They had welcomed her back so easily that Nick sometimes wondered if there were hidden cameras somewhere. Maybe it was all just a big sick prank. But it wasn't a prank, and they had put her into their car and drove the long 2 hours back home.

None of them expected her to tell them everything then. She was tired, and they were tired. They did make her promise though not to lie or steal from them anymore, and when she was ready, she could explain it all. She eagerly promised, she no longer wanted to hurt them.

Then they had gotten home, and with a quiet understanding, all had gone to bed with hopes of talking more in the morning.

And now it was the morning.

Nick pulled on her ripped jeans and bleached flannel. She only had a handful of outfits. It seemed unnecessary to have more when you were a foster kid. But now that she was back with the Thompsons, maybe they would take her out shopping for some new clothes.

Nick bit her lip anxiously as she pulled her hair back. She looked in the mirror at herself.

How could they love you after everything? Are you sure they'll forgive you? Once you tell them everything they'll change their mind... Just you wait. And then you'll go back into foster care and never be in a loving home again.

Nick tried to blink the thoughts away. She noticed her hands shaking, and willed them to stop. She had promised she'd tell the Thompsons everything, and she meant it. She didn't want to play this game of lying and cheating anymore. The stress had taken over Nick's life for weeks, and she had been in constant fear of something bad happening to herself or her dad. That was over now, and she needed to make sure the Thompsons knew that. Because she loved them.

The revenge game was over.


Part 1 is done! Short but sweet :) 

Lmk what y'all think!

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