It came upon a midnight clear - Phrenetic Ice

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"No Kirsty, it's not disgusting," I said, and in an effort to defend the indefensible added, "If looking at pictures of girls getting spanked is "wrong" OK, I'm guilty, but hey, you came into my room...I didn't intrude on your space." She put her hands on her hips and looked so appealing that second in her PJ's, I had thoughts I really shouldn't have.

"I suppose that's true dad," she said, "It just surprised me - I can't imagine you looking at pictures like that!"

"There's a lot worse than this going around Kirsty," I replied, "Sure you've seen your share on the Net yourself. She blushed...and nodded.

She was glancing at the two pictures on my screen, "You like the idea of spanking young girls do you dad?" It was a fair question!

I looked at her quizzically, I thought of mentioning little Sarah from all those years ago, but thought better of it.

"Well, only in as much as most men would probably enjoy spanking girls given half a chance Kirsty, if you want to be honest about it. It doesn't do any harm you know."

She sat there alongside my computer desk, hands resting on her legs her breasts barely evident under her fluffy top...not that I was looking.

"Do you think about us that way dad?" she pouted.

"What? You and your sisters?....hardly," I lied. "What a question Kirsty!"

"Well, I bet you do just wouldn't admit it." she said.

"True, I wouldn't," I replied. "Anyway, shouldn't you be heading off back to bed? What made you get up?" (It was way past midnight)

She stretched in the chair. "Couldn't sleep dad, it's really hot tonight." It was too as it happened.

"Ok cutie," I said, turning back to the screen and switching back to the business web-site I was working on. "Well, off you go, catch you in the morning sweetie."

She got up and put her arms round me and gave me the most lovely hug. "Goodnight dad" she said and turned to go.

"Are you sure you don't think about spanking us?" she giggled. Now she was being cheeky!

I turned round. "No way Kirsty...but if you keep asking naughty questions like that, I might change my mind and put you over my knee!"

I think I caught the slightest evolution of a smirk, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Is that a challenge kiddo?" I said, "If so, it's not a line I'd pursue if I were you." My mind was working overtime. "Please God, let her pursue it!"

Little Kirsty, all five foot three of her, stood her ground. "You're all talk dad," she teased, a smile on her pretty face.

I grabbed her arms and pulled her to me. She put up the merest semblance of a struggle as I tugged her across my knee. God, how hot was that curvy bottom? I gave her an exploratory smack, the mere contact with that part of her anatomy enough to send the testosterone into hyperdrive. She wriggled on my lap and whether intentionally or not - I suspect not, I could feel her breasts making contact with my knee.

The next smack was noticeably harder. I think it shocked her a little. She gave a little yelp of surprise but being the feisty cutie she's always been, turned her head towards me and said, "Is that supposed to hurt dad?" I was staring meanwhile at the top few centimeters of her light blue panties that had been exposed by the spanks and that delightful little gap between PJ pants and top that exposed a ribbon of soft skin around her lower back and just a hint of the delicate inward curve above her hips. The third smack was a beauty!

As she momentarily arched her back in surprise, her beautiful shoulder length curly-brunette hair jiggling now, I had the greatest urge to put my arm beneath her and to take hold of her beautiful breasts as I knew they must be, having almost seen them in their entirety earlier that year when a towel slipped as she exited the bathroom. Of course I resisted, and delivered a fourth spank.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2008 ⏰

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