2|The thorn in my side

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    I was walking down the hall talking to my friend Mia. She was a ravenclaw, we've been friends for years. We started to gossip, as usual.

"Wait so Cedric talked to you," she said in a excited tone.

"Well, I bumped into him in the hallway but yeah."

"Wow, lucky." She responded.

All the girls at school find him attractive. Most of them try to get his attention in any way. All I had to do was bump into him by accident.

"D-did he smell nice?" she whispered.

"Yeah, I guess so. I was kind of focused on being angry at Malfoy at that moment."

"Ugh, him again? I swear he likes you or something." She said nudging my elbow.

"What ew no way."

"Um yeah, that's probably why he annoys you so much."

I gagged at the thought of us even being near each other.

"He drives me nuts, besides his personality is so toxic. Like I would ever fall for a guy like him."
She shrugged and we walked out separate ways to class.

     I had defense against the dark arts. I walked in and everyone was sitting down talking. The teacher was getting his things ready to teach the lesson.

     I saw Malfoy and we made eye contact. Now all I could think about is what Mia said to me. He smiled at me with a childish grin. I sat next to him in my assigned seat.

"So we meet again y/n."

"What do you want Malfoy?" I said looking at him in his ice blue eyes.

"You love fighting with me don't you," he said with a smirk.

"Ha yeah right, it's my hobby at this point." I said sarcastically.

The class started, I could feel Draco looking at me. It made me uncomfortable, but at the same time I didn't mind.

    He started teaching us about the unforgivable curses. Next thing I knew there was a spider on Draco's face.

      I started laughing as he panicked.

"Get it off, Get it off!" He said turning to me.

I continued to laugh at him. It kept going in students faces. I smiled at Draco.

"That's what you get Malfoy."

"It almost killed me!" He said still shaken up.

"I would have been okay with that." I winked at him and grinned. He rolled his eyes at me.

I started walking down the hallway till I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

   I turned, it was Cedric. I looked up at him and had a big smile.

"Hi again y/n." Cedric said looking down at me with a smile.

"Hey Ced."

"So uh, how've you been?"

"I've been okay I guess, what about you?" I said awkwardly.

"I've been great." He said smiling.

He was so happy and always looked on the bright side.

We were complete opposites, that's why we would work so well together.

His friends were watching him. "Come on Ced."

"I have to go." He said laughing.

"Okay." I said.

"I hope we can get to know each other maybe in an area where we don't get interrupted."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I smiled.
A/N: Just fixed up this chapter too :)


Lmk what you think!


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