Breanna's P.O.V.

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I'm best friends with someone I use to hate. Her name is Kassidy, and she's MY huge pain in MY ass.

It is haloween night and we want to have a good time. Today in school it's all i could think about. After school i drove right over to Kassidy's house with my bag of things we were going to wear.

I walked inside and she just got out of the shower. I sat at her mirror and did my make-up heavy. It made my baby blue eyes pop and i loved it. My eyelashes are long and i have eye lid room for my eye shadow.

My eyes brows come to a point and my cheecks indent. My jaw line is strong and my teeth are white and straight.

I take my bun out and my hair was perfectly wavy and my dark red hair fell down to the middle of my back.

I put my choker on and put my lose tanktop with Guns N' Roses on it with my black lace bra hanging out the sides. I throw my leggings on and put my white extenered on. I put my black leather staletoe boots on and put a few rings/braclets/necklaces on.

I had tattoos all over my body, some on my arms, legs, stomach chest going onto my neck, and my lower back. I didn't have any on my upper back yet.

I turned to see how kassidy was doing. She starightened her blond hair and had brown makeup on. She had a flannel on and was wearing a Guns N' Roses shirt and leggings with doctor martines on. I smiled because she's hot and was wearing the same shirt. I took mine off and put on a plain black tanktop almost the same exsact tanktop but had jackass along the top of my chest.

We went to my 1970's mustang and went to the concert. We went an hour and a half early. We waited in line and the security came out asking for ID's on whoever was drinking. I gave them my fake ID and they beleived me. I pulled out a cigerette and lit it. After ten minutes i through my cigerette bud to the ground and we walked inside. We sat at the tables and when we could go to the gate to watch we did. We got front row and waited for everyone in the band, i didn't know the name of the band. I was here for Think Floyd. They were the last one to come on stage.

The first band came out and i didn't care for them. I walked past everyone and got a beer.

I went back to my spot and gave kass her beer, because she didn't have a fake ID.

We waited forever for them to get off stage. The next thing i new was that the lights turned off and we hear a guitar start playing the same two notes over and over again. Then the lights flicker on and the lead singer was so hot. My jaw dropped Kassidy laughed at me. "Breanna, you're drewling." I close my jaw and laughed with her. He looked at me and smiled. My heart raced. He walked over and said, "I like your shirt!" I smiled, "Thanks!" I wanted him. I couldn't stop looking at him. I felt an elbow go into my eye. It began watering. I looked over and this drunk lady was trying to video tape him. I yelled in her ear. "Maybe instead of elbowing your way through, and catching it on tape you should just enjoy the moment!" She looked at me and smacked my ass. I looked at her; she said, "It's okay, i liked it too." I looked at Kassidy and laughed. The drunk chick started to push me out of my spot. I elbowed her and pushed her away from me. "Fuck off." I yelled. Her friend got her up and she tried to walk back over but couldn't get back up to me, no one would let her.

Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned back to the stage and saw kassidy pointing to the stage. I looked, "I like your tats!" He yelled. It was the lead singer. His hair was so curly and hair on his chest was goergous. His muscles were amazingly hot.

I smiled and he winked at me.

He put his bass down for me to strum it. I did and i laughed because it was horrible. He stood back up and i watched his fingers move along his bass and how he played. They played their last song and i didn't want them to go. They began to walk off stage. I felt sad.

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