The Nightmare [A Freddy x Bonnie One Shot]

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{Freddy's P.O.V}

It was the middle of the night on a Saturday. I was laying in my bed staring at my wall as I tried to get to sleep when I suddenly heard my door softly creak open. I looked in the direction of my door and saw a pair of terrified, pale red eyes looking at me.

"Bonnie...? Is that you?" I asked as I sat up. He cowered behind the door, but I could still just barely make out his shaky hand gripping tightly on the door in the darkness of the hall. I got out of bed and walked over to the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me, I could see the tears shining in the corners of his eyes.

"Oh, Bonnie, who made you cry?" I asked as calmly as possible as I was thinking 'Whoever did this to him will pay big-time!' He sniffled.

"I-I had a bad d-dream," Bonnie said between sobs before sniffling again. 'Oh....'

He then pushed his index fingers together before he said "C-can I s-sleep by y-you tonight? I feel scared and need company...."

"Yeah, sure," I said before I opened my door the rest of the way for him, then beckoned him in. He blushed faintly before walking in with his shoulders up raised and his head looking towards the floor as he walked over to my bed and sat down.

"I think I might feel better if I get this night terror off my chest...will you indulge me for a minute?" Bonnie asked.

"Of course," I said before walking over and sitting next to him. He gulped before taking a deep breath.

"I was onstage waiting for you and Chica to come back to finish rehearsing for a birthday party. As I was retuning my guitar, a small, pure black head peaked up from the floor to the front of the stage.

"Hello little guy, what are you doing?" I asked it.

It gave me a funny look with it's white eyes that lacked pupils. It then smiled a sinister white grin before jumping onto the stage with a wire cutter in it's hand. I gasped and tried to run, but the creature knocked me onto the floor. It pinned me down on my stomach and unscrewed the screws that kept my back panel secure then flipped open my back panel and started cutting my wires.

First were the ones that control my legs, next were the ones that control my arms. I had been screaming in pain as it did this, so it cut the wires that that went to my voice box after that. You ran into the room at that moment. You started screaming my name as you ran over to try and save me. I could only turn my head towards you as the creature cut my most vital wires and terminated me."

"As I heard the chomping noise of wire and it's cutter, I woke up..." Bonnie said, followed by a series of sobs, shivers, and tears.

"Oh Bonnie..." I said before trying to comfort my friend with a hug. He accepted my offer and hugged me back. He felt very cold, which was very unusual for him, he was always so warm, that nightmare must've really terrified him. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around him in an effort to warm him up. He blushed faintly before looking at me again.

"Th-thank you, Freddy..." Bonnie said as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I returned to hugging him happily. I carefully let go and looked at him in his dazzling pale red eyes. I smiled to reassure him that everything would be alright. I turned on my lamp before looking at him again, I knew he was afraid of the dark.

"Thank you...can we try to go back to sleep now?" he asked, blushing a bit more than before as he asked this.

I felt myself get a bit warm in my cheeks too as I said "Sure."

Bonnie then removed my blanket from his shoulders and laid down with the blanket covering his whole body. He looked so cute. I felt like a bit of a perv as I realized I was staring at his sleepy little face. I snapped out of it and shook my head like a wet dog before laying down next to him. I looked at his face again and felt the heat rising back to my face. He suddenly opened his eyes halfway and looked at me suspiciously.

The Nightmare [A Freddy x Bonnie One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now