Part 4: The Proposal

Start from the beginning

I take off her skirt and reach in her panties

Raven: "Oh, Beastboy!"

Raven's pov

I can feel him breathing. His chest pressed against mine.

Beastboy: "Raven I'm almost there!"

"Do it, I want you to!"

Beastboy: "RAVEN!"


*the next morning*

"Beastboy, I don't feel to well."

*in the bathroom*

"Beastboy! *barf* Beastboy!"

Beastboy: "Raven, it's okay I'm hear."

"Beastboy, I think I'm pregnant."

Beastboy: "I'll go get a pregnancy test."

*at the store*

Beastboys pov

"I'd like to buy this please."

Cashier: "Be careful kid, once it happens you can't go back."

"Okay. Thank you."

*titan tower*

Raven: "Beastboy *barf* is that you?"

"Yes Raven I'm back, here I got the test."

Raven: "Okay, *barf* I'll take it when *barf* I stop barfing."

"Okay, don't worry I'm right here."

*Time skip* 1 hour

Raven: "I took the test."


Raven: "We're having a baby! Isn't it exciting you're gonna be a daddy."

"Wow, I'm gonna be a dad."

Raven: "We're gonna need to get clothes, a crib, bibs, diapers...."

"I'm gonna be a dad."

Raven: "Yeah sweetie, it will be amazing."

*Time skip* 3 months

Raven's pov

"BB! I think I felt the baby kick, here give me your hand you feel that?"

Beastboy: "Yeah, wow that's amazing. How much longer until we know the gender?"

"Wow aren't you the eager beaver, one more month and then we'll be able to tell."

Beastboy: "I bet it'll have your eyes and smile and it will have my hair and nose. It'll be a combination of me and the women I love. *kiss on the cheek*

"I bet it will."

*ring ring*

"Who is it?"

Beastboy: "Ugh, it's Terra."

"Why does she keep calling you, she knows we're having this baby and getting married she has no reason to call you any more."

Beastboy: "Hold on I'll see, *answers phone* Hello?"

Terra: "Beastboy why don't you give up on her and come back to me?"

Beastboy: "Terra I told you to stop calling this number. I'm not ending me and Raven I love her and you can't change that."

Terra: "You're right I can't but someone will, you will be mine again you'll see!"

*hangs up*

"So I'm guessing she's crazy as always."

Beastboy: "Yep , man that girl does not give up."

"Beastboy I've been thinking, what if Terra gets too out of hand?We can't risk the baby getting hurt, so I think we should move."

Beastboy: "I agree we should leave tonight it will help is stay undetected and no one will know."

"I knew you would. *kisses on the cheek* I'll go start packing our stuff."

Beastboy: "Ill come with, don't want to risk anything I love you too much to loose you.

I kiss him with a passion that gives him a look of safeness

"I promise, nothing will keep us apart if this baby has anything to do with it."

Will Terra get in the middle of BB and Raven?

Will they be able to keep the baby safe?

All questions will be answered in the next chapter.

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