Chapter 3

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The night came quickly once we had arrived back at the village. Within a few hours, the sun had set and the stars were visible above us. I lay on a log around an open fire gazing at them. A streak of light would pass over the sky every so often, probably someone jumping to hyperspace. Cara Dune was laying on a log on the opposite side of the fire. We had become friends quickly. I was surprised considering how we had met.
"Okay....The best battle you've been in. Go." Cara asked
"Oooh. That's a tough one." I had been in too many to count so choosing was difficult. "There was a bounty on an ex-imperial death trooper. That was one hell of a fight."
She sat up from her spot with her mouth agape.
"Really! That's so cool!" She exclaimed then lay back down on the log. "Your question. Ask away."
"Same question."
"Umm. Probably the battle of Endor. That was quite an experience."
"Yeah, I bet."
After that, a poignant quiet settled between us. Well, that was all before, she asked me another question.
"Who was your first crush?"

I inhaled a deep sigh and prepared myself to give her an answer. Thankfully, before I could do so Mando walked back over to the fire. He had been putting the child to sleep. However, by his large yawn, I could tell it wasn't easy.
"The wamp rat finally asleep then?" Cara questioned.
The only response we got was a nod of his head as he sat down on a log.
"Well, I'm going to bed. See you Mandalorians in the morning." Cara stood up and left in the direction of her bunk. I pulled myself up and sat properly on the log, watching her walk away.
That just left Mando and me. An awkward silence lingered for a while. There were so many unspoken words left in that silence. All our past, good and bad, suddenly flashed in my mind. And apparently in his as well. I went to speak up but he had the same idea. I fumbled over my words.
"You first." I said to him.
"I'm sorry. For what it's worth. If I never left, you would never have tried to come with me and...."
"Yeah." I interrupted. "It's not your fault, I should never have tried to follow. Then I wouldn't have given away the location of the covert. Maybe those Mandalorians would still be alive."
He stood up and looked down at me. I couldn't bring myself to look up at him. I was gently persuaded, however, when he used his gloved hand to lift my chin. Once I was looking at him, he moved his hand down to my shoulder.
"I missed you, despite everything that happened"
I smiled at him under the helmet but it faded the more I thought about it. I nodded my head and looked down once again.
"Night, (Y/N)."
He began walking back towards his cabin, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I was torn. For the longest time, I blamed him for what happened. It's only now that I realise that it was my fault. It was my fault that they died. My fault that I got banished. Talking with Din now has seemed to put that into perspective. However, it was what he said that is confusing me. He missed me. Sure we were friends when we were younger but why on earth would he miss me. I pulled myself out of my thoughts before I could overthink the situation. I got up from the log and walked back towards my cabin. Upon entering I began to stip my armour off, piece by piece until only my helmet remained. I looked around and made sure that no one was looking before removing it. It was very unlikely that anyone would be around to see at this time of night but I made sure just in case. I made my way over to my bed and placed my helmet on a table as I went. Laying down, I let the blanket drown me in its warmth and hoped that sleep would consume me quickly.

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of someone banging on my door along with Mando's voice telling me to get up. I obey and sit up in my bed, however, he kept persisting with the banging.
"Come on we need to leave!" He shouted.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm up." I said while yawning.
He was obviously satisfied with my answer. I heard his footsteps walking away from my cabin. Once I knew he was no longer outside, I stood up and stretched my arms towards the sky. My eyes instinctively squeezed shut as they met the morning sun. Once they had adjusted, I stood up and began to place my armour back onto my body. A2 buzzes to life as I do so. I lazily discarded it onto a chair opposite my bed last night. After that encounter with Mando last night, I couldn't be bothered to put it away properly. I hesitated before placing my helmet on top of my head. I gazed into the mirror that Omera had so kindly given me. I hated putting it back on. There were days where I wished that I was never a Mandalorian. During my exile, there were many days where I considered taking it off and never putting it back on again. However, I'm glad I didn't. Now there is a chance of going back to my family. There surely wouldn't have welcomed me back if someone had seen my face. I stop thinking about it and shove the helmet on my head. I grab my weapons that sat on a table nearby and holstered them. Then, I head out of the door and towards Mando and the Child.

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