Hollow Bastion: The Heartless War

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry about the Ice Cream", Donald said, trying to get a reaction out of Goofy, but got nothing

"Goofy", Mickey called out in a gentle tone

"Ohh, Goofy", Donald cried out

"this is not happening, it can't be happening, it can't", Sora muttered, all four crying over the loss of their friend

"they'll pay for this", Mickey stated in anger, throwing off the Organization coat and summoning his Keyblade, he then ran out towards the battlefield, Donald followed, his sadness turning to anger as well.

"Sora... we have to go... we have to... help the others", Kate stated, sadness in her tone, Sora reluctantly nodded his head as the two got up, running towards the battlefield in an attempt to catch up with both Mickey and Donald, only to be stopped by Heartless, luckily for them, the two were joined up by their friends, Yuffie, Squall, Tifa, and Cloud, with their help, the heartless that were near the town were defeated, entering a cave full of crystals, Sora and Kate found Mickey and Donald

"are you ok", Mickey asked

"yeah, were fine, but...", Sora began, remembering Goofy which put everyone back in a sad mood

"ohh, Goofy", Donald cried once again

"Hey, fellas", Goofy shouted, putting a shocked face on everyone as Sora and Kate turned around to see Goofy, alive, jumping and waving at everyone

"Goofy", the four shouted in unison as Goofy ran towards everyone then rubbed his head

"ya know, that really hurt", Goofy stated

"aw, Goofy", Mickey said, jumping to Goofy and hugging him

"gawrsh, Yer Majesty, I get bumped on the head all the time", Goofy stated which made Sora chuckle and Donald to hit Goofy leg, "that hurt, too",

"don't you ever do that again", Donald shouted, as everything was back to normal, the five ran out towards the battlefield, only to see the heartless stopped, not moving an inch, not long after, the leader of Organization XIII, Xemnas appeared, high on top a mountain

"wait, now I know, the leader of Organization XIII... is Xehanort's nobody", Mickey stated as he jumped into battle, before the other's could, the heartless moved, surrounding the four

"move it", Sora shouted

"we can't let Xehanort get away", Donald stated as Sora nodded his head, Donald and Goofy ran off to fight

"you know, we never did find out who the winner was back at Yen Sid's tower... rematch", Kate asked, summoning her Keyblade

"rematch", Sora said as the two ran into battle, against the heartless that were surrounding them, the battle was close, and with the incoming heartless, the two almost thought themselves to be overwhelmed, however, the army number began dwindling down as then the army was gone and both Sora and Kate ran forward, both out of breath

"so... who'd you think... won", Sora asked

"not sure... lost count after...four hundred", Kate stated

"wanna call it a tie", Sora asked

"yeah", Kate said as Donald and Goofy ran up to them

"where's the King", Sora asked, again

"over there", Donald stated, the four saw Mickey battling heartless

"come on", Sora shouted as the four ran into battle

"your Majesty", Donald called out

"Xehanort", Mickey called out

"how long has it been since I abandoned that name", Xemnas asked himself

"out with it, where's Riku, where's...", Sora began but Xemnas cut him off, and turned towards Kate

"the member's are still unsure of how you escaped, as of Riku... perhaps you should ask your king", Xemnas stated

"stop", Mickey shouted but Xemnas disappeared into a Dark Corridor, Mickey jumping in after him before the corridor could disappear

"way to fall into their trap", a voice said, the four turned around to see Axel, "C'mon it's a set up by Organization XIII, Xemnas is using you to destroy the heartless, that's his big master plan",

"Organization XIII want's to get rid of the heartless", Goofy asked

"no, remember, they plan to summon Kingdom Hearts, they're using us to get the job done faster", Kate explained

"bingo, still not sure how you escaped, but... wait... how do you know of our plans", Axel asked, Kate looked at Sora, Donald, and Goofy who nodded their heads as a voice within her, Xion, told her to tell.

"Xion told me", Kate stated which made Axel's eyes widen in shock, he seemed to be deep in thought before he sighed, Axel let them go before disappearing into a Dark Corridor

"if Kairi's not there, I wonder who got her out", Kate said

"I'm not sure, but... we can't use the Keyblade", Sora stated

"but, if you two don't use the Keyblade, the Heartless will continue to steal hearts", Donald stated as well

"Donald's right, we have to continue using the Keyblade, but we'll have to be careful from here on out", Kate said as Sora nodded his head, on their way back to the town, a keyhole appeared, Sora and Kate closed the keyhole then began walking once more, returning to town, where they were congratulated by their friends, not long after, the four said goodbye to everyone, their hunt for the Organization's headquarters began, however before they left, the four were told Hollow Bastion's true name, "Radiant Garden".

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