Chapter 1

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I had just finished chiseling the 1,436th tally on my wall indicating I had been locked up like an animal for 3 years and 341 days. This meant my 18th birthday along with my death day was only a mere 4 days away. Staring at all the markings I couldn't help but wonder back to the day I got arrested.

Flashback to that day
I stood there covered in blood that wasn't mine peering down at the 2 lifeless bodies of the men that assaulted me. I couldn't help but feeling absolutely nothing. no guilt. no regret. nothing. It took about 30 seconds to fully process what I had just done. When I had finally came to the realization that I needed to get out of there it was too late and the guards had already kicked down the door and were filing in to take me away. Days prior I had tried filing reports against the men with all guards and jaha but no one believed me. In that moment I knew no one was going to take me seriously and do anything about it. So I took matters into my own hands and did what I thought needed doing.
End of flashback

A pair of heavy footsteps and a deep voice in my cell brought me out of my thoughts and back to reality. "Prisoner 319 stand up and face the wall." Are they floating me early? They must be, otherwise a guard would never come into my cell. Considering I was about to be executed I knew I had to at least attempt one last prison break. I stand up acting like I'm following his instructions.

"Hold out your right wrist." I do as he says and just before he goes to clamp something on me I swing around my elbow, hitting him right in the nose. He stumbles backwards in surprise and pain. I take this as my opening to make a run for it.

Sprinting out the door I'm met with the sight of around 100 kids being taken from there cells.

"What the hell?" I mumble under my breathe whilst taking off in a random direction to avoid the guard that was bound to come after me any second.

"PRISONER 319 IS LOOSE AND ON THE RUN!" The guard yells whilst emerging from my cell, blood dripping from his chin. Just a single glance at him was enough for me to loose focus on what was in front of me causing me to run into something that felt like a brick wall. I quickly come to realize it isn't a brick wall when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me, restricting me from running away.

"I've got her!" The so called brick wall yells at the other guard.

I look up to see who brick wall is and I'm met with a man probably in his 20's with dark brown curly hair accompanied by a face full of freckles and deep brown eyes. I don't even get the chance to try and get away before feeling a sharp pain in my neck. It only took a few seconds for everything to get dark. Moments prior to falling completely unconscious brick wall whispers in my ear, "We're going to the ground, love." Before I can question what he means by "we're" my vision gives out.

. . .

While slowly regaining consciousness I try to roll over thinking I'm in bed, when I'm unable to move even a centimeter my memory kicks in. Opening my eyes it becomes clear why I seem to be paralyzed. I frantically try to undo what looks like a seat belt but a unfamiliar voice stops me.

"Welcome back sunshine." I look to my right and see a boy around my age with goggles and a goofy smile.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask him more rudely then I had attended for.

"We're going to earth." He replies in a tone like it's obvious.

I just sat there and looked at him for a good 30 seconds thinking he was going to say "just kidding" or something like that but he never did.

"I'm Jasper by the way." He says offering me a smile.

"Y/n." I respond doing my best to smile but considering the circumstances it probably looked more like a sneer. Out of no where I hear a few people surrounding us gasp, whipping their heads in our direction.

"Y/n as in Y/n Y/l/n?!" A one of the boys with raven hair asks.

"Ya?" I answered even though it came off more as a question, not fully understanding why everyone was so interested at the mention of my name.

"You're a legend everyone knows who you are because of what you did." A dark brown hair girl explains seeing how confused I am.

"Oh." Was all I could mutter before the drop ship started shaking.

Soon after Jaha's sad attempt at a speech, spacewalker and some of the other idiots unbuckled their seatbelts and began floating around.

It didn't take long for a random blonde girl to speak up, "Get back in your seats the parachutes are going to deploy!" And just like clockwork a large jolt slammed all of them into a group of pipes. After about a minute of the parachutes being deployed we land with little to no grace. The blonde and some other dude rushed out of there seats and went to check if the idiot space walkers were still alive and it turns out all except the original spacewalker didn't make it.

I hastily unbuckled and hopped down to the first floor of the drop ship. There was already a huge clump of people waiting for the doors to open. I was planning on pushing my way to the front but the group spilt into two resulting a narrow walk way for me. With big strides I make my way to the front, paying no attention to everyone that seemed to be whispering my name. I approached the doors where a guy dressed in a guards uniform stood.

"Open the doors asshole." I yelled causing everyone to in the group to shout things, agreeing with me. The so called guard quickly spun around to see who had the guts to call him an asshole. The moment I saw his face I knew exactly who he was. Brick wall.

*finished editing*

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