Rich's Death

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Stan and Bill

Stan🐦: hey, wanna go bird watching?

Bill❤️: yeah! sounds fun:)

Stan🐦: see you in a bit, love you

Bill❤️: love you too


Eddie and Richie had been dating for a little over two weeks now and the losers were all talking nonstop again.

Losers Club

Bev: those Cinnamon Toast Crunch trolls r cannibals

Eds: I hated those commercials

Rich: I always thought they were highly enjoyable

Bill: Stan just saw a bird and began freaking out bc he said it was rare🥰❤️

Bev: *meanwhile rich and Eds*

Rich: I love u bitchhh❤️

Eds: I ain't ever gonna stop loving u, bitchhh🥰

Mike: so anyways..what about benverly?

Bev: no idea what language ur speaking, sorry<3

Rich: ahem

Rich: *sips benverly tea*

Rich: I got screenshots of u guys

Bev: don't u fucking dare

Bev: or I'm leaking ur shit>:(

Rich: pfft, u got no shit on me

Bev: Richie once bought spongebob cereal and got upset that there was no edible sponge in there, want me to continue with your embarrassing moments?

Eds:uHm..anyways sO

Eds: the wheels on the bus go round and round

Bev: round and round

Mike: the wheels on the bus go round and round

Stan: as they run over Richie:)

Rich: *dies from bus*

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