Slowly I walk away from the bar and out of the building. I look over at A2 and let out another sigh. “So much for that lead.” I feel lost. Already I’ve run out of ideas. I feel like my mother has made this twice as hard for me so that I can’t ever get back into the covert. A determination rises in me. I’m not going to stop until I find him. No matter how long it takes me. I decide to head back to his ship to see if there are any more clues.

When I get there, two young boys have opened the hatch and are loading things into the cargo hold. I shout at them, telling them to get away from the ship. Quickly, I draw my blaster and aim it at them. They throw up their hands, dropping the boxes and weapons that they were carrying. “Who are you? Where is the Mandalorian?” I shout at them. They become scared. I can tell because when they reply, their voices shake and stutter. “We were sent to return these items. The Mandalorian helped us defend our village.” I tilt my head at them, my blaster unwavering. “Can you take me to them?”

Within a couple of hours of riding on the back of a trailer, we were at the village. I jumped off and looked back towards the two boys. “Thank you. Just don’t tell him that i’m here.” I say to them. Despite my sincerest voice, they were too still scared of me to talk. Instead, I was given a nod of the head in response. The village was set in a clearing in the forest. Tall trees lined the boundry of the space and gave them some protection from the outside world. Small log cabins were dotted around on the right side of the clearing. On the left were ponds, probably for some kind of fish. The ponds were surrounded by villagers with baskets, siving out the tiny fish from the water. I sit in the line of trees, looking out for the Mandalorian and the child. I grab my cycler rifle off of my back so that I can take a closer look. Through the zoom, I could just see what I saw before except up close. I moved left in the tree line so as to get a better look behind the houses. That’s when I saw him. The Mandalorian stood in front of a young woman. The Child sat a few feet away playing with some of the children from the village. Despite the fact that I couldn’t see his face, he looked happy here. Maybe that’s why he never left.

I pull myself away from the zoom of my rifle. How am I going to explain this to my mother? He’s alive but he settled down with a woman on a random planet. She would never believe me and she would never let me back into the covert with that story. I needed proof. Solid evidence that he’s alive. The snap of a twig behind me pulled me out of my thoughts. Turning around, I see a bounty hunter approaching me. ‘He’s going for the Child’ I thought. Automatically, I pull out my blaster and fire it at him. However he moves before it can hit him. 

“Fine. The hard way it is.” I whisper to myself. Suddenly he runs at me and attempts to punch me in the chest. To his dismay, when he does the beskar on my chest protects me from it. He shakes out the pain in his hand and narrows his eyes at me. I raise my fists in preparation for his attack. He runs at me, screaming like a mad man. Quickly, I dive to the side to dodge him. He doesn’t expect me to do so and ends up falling off into a ditch. I turn around and laugh at the sight but that just makes him more angry.
“You're not getting this quarry!” He shouts.
“I’m not here to bring in the quarry, I just don’t want you getting to him.”
He doesn’t run over again. Instead he shoots a grapple from out of hisout of his vambrace which attaches onto my boot. Suddenly I’m pulled forward. I eventually stop in front of the bounty hunter. He looks down on me with a smile on his face. I panic as he begins to reach towards my head. 
"He’s going for my helmet." I think to myself.

Before he can get it, I quickly twist myself around so that I’m lying with him behind my head and grab his leg. Quickly I flip my legs up and around his neck, pulling him down to the ground. 

I got up, dusting the soil from off my armour. The bounty hunter isn’t moving. Blood lies on a nearby rock so I assume that he’s dead.
“Dang farrik.”
I didn’t want to kill him. I never want to kill anyone. But I shouldn’t think like that, he could just be unconscious, you never know. However if he is still alive, I don’t want him finding the child. I reach into his pocket and find the tracking fob. It’s beeping like crazy. So he’s still alive. Great. It means I still have a chance. As I finish my train of thought, I hear steps behind me crunching the leaves on the ground. I turn and pull out my blaster. In front of me stands a woman. She dressesShe's dressed in green-blue armour and points a gun right back at me. Her black hair is let down loose around her shoulders. She also has tattoos. One around her arm and a small rebel symbol under her eye. She was a shocktrooper, not a bounty hunter then.

“Who are you?” She questions. “Never seen two mandalorians before.”
"I’m here on a mission. It’s none of your business.”
“It is when you're holding a tracking fob. Who are you hunting?” 
Karabast. The tracking fob. Why didn’t I drop it?
“It’s not mine it’s his.” I gestured behind me and moved so she could see the dead guy on the floor.
“Why kill him if you're not hunting for the same bounty?” Why is this woman asking so many good questions?
“I’m protecting the quarry, not hunting it.”
I explain to her why I’m here and why I need to protect the child but she doesn’t seem to buy it. As I’m in the middle of my explanation a certain mandalorian appears behind her. It stopsIt stops me in my tracks, I don’t need him knowing what's happening to me.

He whispers something to the woman. She nods along to whatever he’s saying.
“I believe you.”
“Wait. You do? Also how did he hear?”
“He was waiting behind a tree and eavesdropping apparently.” The last part of the sentence was almost a growl as she looked at him. 
“I just want to help. It would help me out a lot.”
I couldn’t read his face because of the helmet so I have no idea what his reaction is going to be. 
“Fine. You can come along just don’t annoy me.”

A smile erupted onto my face, despite the fact that they couldn’t see it. Fortunately this worked in my favour this time because I could still hold my cold facade.
“Thank you. Just don’t think we’re friends now.”
“Believe me I won’t.”
They began to walk back to the village this time with me in tow. I might actually get back to the covert after all.


(A/N) - Din is finally in the story! We'll see more of him next chapter. All is not as it seems! I hope you enjoyed!

Guardian Angel (Din Djarin x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя