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Hi I'm y/n granger. You guessed it I'm hermione grangers sister well twin, we didn't know We were until last year. Let me tell you! "Dad I don't want to go to this hogwarts place it sounds soo boring" I said to my dad. "Well your going and there's nothing you can do about it." My dad spat at me. "Now go pack your bags." Said dad "fine" I spat. So then I went upstairs and packed. "Sweetie get in the car I'll drive you to the train station!" Dad said. "Coming dad" I said. Then I got in the car and on the way there I decided to say somehow someway "how come you never talk about mom?" I spat then quickly covered my mouth. "Don't even think about talking about your mother." Spat dad. " ok I'm sorry" I was truly sorry I felt bad for dad he hasent  gotten remarried since him and mom split up. Anyways we got to the train station which is called "king cross station". Dad handed me my ticket hugged me and left. He looked sad and mad. I really shouldn't of said anything. Then I tried to push that off my mind. I looked at my ticket and it said " platform 9 3/4" "huh?" I said. I tried asking someone but no one knew. Then I saw a giant family, one woman was shouting "this way to platform 9 3/4!" Hmm.. I thought. Then I proceeded to follow the orange haired family. Then before I knew it they disappeared into the platform I decided to follow them. Then I saw it! The train. I got on and tried to find a seat but they were all taken but one. I asked, "hey um can I sit here?" Sure said a orange haired boy and i brown haired boy. I had a seat and the brown haired boy said " I'm Harry btw Harry Potter" I gasped and covered my mouth I've heard of that name before! "I'm y/n granger and you are" I said to the orange haired boy. "Um Ron Weasley" "pleasure" I said then a girl that looked exactly like me and I mean exactly like me. I gasped. I don't know how she looks like a mirror! I said what's your name? She gasped. "I- I'm hermione granger." She said. "I- I'm y/n granger!" "No way" she spat. This doesn't make sense to me at all then I decided to owl my dad. (Harry thought me how to) I asked him all about her. Before us 4 new it we were there. It was beautiful I mean beautiful!

Thank you so much for reading I will continue to write after school! Comment what you think and ideas of what to write!!❣️

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