"Yeah, kinda missin' you."

"C'mon over then, you know how to get to my room."

"I can't just sneak out."

"Hey, I've snuck out of your room plenty of times without your dad knowing. I think you can do this."

"You're such a bad influence, Wallen." She rolls her eyes. "Okay, fine. I'll be over in ten minutes."

"Okay baby, be careful."

"Will do darlin'." She hangs up and steps into her slip ons before grabbing her purse and keys. She locks her bedroom door then heads to the window, clenching her jaw as she steps out onto the roof then makes her way down the trellis on the front porch. She lands on the ground safely then runs to her 1985 Ford Bronco XLT. She sighs as she starts it up, heading to Morgan's house.

She parks her car next to his truck and hops out. Dani heads to the south side of the house and climbs her way to his open bedroom window, swearing under her breath as she sits on a flat part of the roof. "This damn boy." She tosses her purse through the window before she steps in, tripping over a pair of boots in front of the window. "Shit."

There's a hand on her arm, saving her from falling. "You gotta be quiet, little lady." She has to bite her lip from laughing. She turns and gives Morgan a tight hug followed by a hot kiss. She pushes him down to sit on his bed, one of her hands going to the waistband of his plaid pajama pants, the other touching the cross necklace around his neck. He pushes her hair out of her face to the other side of her neck, keeping it out of her eyes. "You gotta keep it down." He whispers as one hand covers her mouth with the other up her shirt. He looks over at his small digital clock on his desk, it's a quarter past three.

"Shut up and fuck me."


"Where the hell have you been?" Dani's father shouts at her the next morning.

"I-it wasn't-"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from that boy?"

"Dad, it's-"

"He's nothin but a damn hillbilly!"

"I'm sorry." She says, putting her purse on the kitchen counter. He's stunned but how quick she apologized, she usually puts up a fight.

"Okay." He nods, taking a deep breath. "Anyway, so graduation is next month. You nervous?" He asks as he sits at the small table.

"Kind of." She shrugs. "Are you hungry? I can make some pancakes for you."

"Sure darlin'." He nods, scratching his chin through his thick beard. "I gotta go in at ten today and I'll get home 'round eleven tonight."

"Long day, I can make you some supper for you too." Since her mom left, she's taken over cooking and taking care of her dad.

"That'd be great." He smiles. "Gotta get my uniform outta the wash." He leaves the table. She tosses together a quick meal and packs it in his cooler then turns to the stove to make him breakfast. He's a corrections officer at the prison and they're short staffed so he got the wonky hours so he can help his only child out with college tuition. "Alrighty darlin', I gotta get going." He says, picking up his cooler and a stack of pancakes.

"Be careful today, see you tonight." She gives her dad a kiss on the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too, baby." She cleans up the kitchen then heads to her bedroom to take a nap.


Daniella stirs as she feels her bed shift behind her, "wha-?"

"Shh." Morgan whispers, cuddling behind her, holding her tight against his frame. "Just go back to sleep." She does just that, her fingers wrapping around his, comfortably. Morgan lays awake, fiddling with the ends of her light brown almost blonde hair, smiling to himself.

He's been thinking about his future and he doesn't want to be the reason why Dani won't go to college, she's stubborn and would do that. He's just not going to tell her what happened, he's been able to hide his bummed shoulder for over a month now, he can hide this too. His baseball career is over, possibly for good.

"You're thinkin' awful hard." Her soft voice says.

"Huh? Oh, just thinkin' about graduation next month." He responds, sighing slightly. His girl is going off without him, expanding her wings outside of Sneedville, Tennessee, without him, not knowing if she's even coming back. "Thinkin about you."

"What about me?"

"You being a college girl, free bird. I'm so happy for you." He kisses her temple. "And I'm proud of you."

She chuckles as she sits up. "Let's go swimming."


"Yeah, It's a nice day today."

"Sure, I'll grab some towels."

"I'll drive." She says as she sits up, grabbing her two piece.


a few months later

"I can't believe you!" Dani shouts at Morgan. "You didn't tell me!?" He's spent his day helping her move into her dorm and he finally told her he isn't joining her.

"I couldn't-"

"You lied to me then!?"

"Not really-"

"Oh, so when I asked if you had heard anythin' from 'em you said no but they actually didn't want you playin for them no more?" He looks down at his boots. "I'm sorry that you hurt yourself and that you can't play no more-"

"Yeah thanks." He rolls his eyes. "But I got a job with that grumpy old man Johnson. I start tomorrow, he's paying me fifteen an hour."

"Hope that works out for you." She huffs.

Morgan gives her one last hug before he leaves. "See you 'round, Dani."

"Bye, Morgan." She says back stiffly, her heart aching as she watches him close the door behind him.

Free Bird - Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now