Chapter I: The Rise of the Snow Eagle

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Naruto is being punched many times by Karui but Naruto grabbed Karin by the hand and slammed her to the ground. Naruto wiped his blood on the mouth.

Naruto Uzumaki: " I don't care what you're babbling about! You're wasting too much info gathering."

Karui: " What did you say?!"

Naruto used his Ultra Healing Jutsu to healed his bruises.

Naruto Uzumaki: " Conflicts are inevitable."

Sai deadpanned.

Sai Yamanaka: " Oh boy. Naruto is acting weird."

Naruto went back to the hut where he could changed his clothes. He wears the silver hooded jacket with blue linings and white eagle crest. and silver ninja pants. As he went outside. He wores an ANBU mask. Sai is shocked.


Naruto deadpanned.

Naruto Uzumaki: " Because it's time for me to seek some retribution."

Karui: " Take this!!!"

Naruto teleports then pointed his kunai at Karui's throat.

Naruto Uzumaki: " Don't even think about it."

Omoi is shocked.

Omoi: " Karui! Don't do anything stupid!!!"

Karui fires back at the Omoi.

Karui: " SHUT THE HELL UP!!!"

Omoi deadpanned.

Omoi: " Now I'm getting scolded."

Karui fight back as she draws her kunai and starts clashing at Naruto.

Sai facepalmed.

Sai Yamanaka: " Oh boy. Never stopped battling each other."

Later, Samui showed up.

Samui: " Omoi! What the hell is going on here?!"

Omoi: " This Karui isn't letting Naruto go in battlezone."

Samui deadpanned.

Samui: " We're in the middle of the Kage Meeting. We can't blame Naruto because he isn't responsible for Bee's disappearance. Yugito is already gone, but I don't want Bee to suffered the same fate as Yugito."

Omoi: " Oh."

Suddenly, Yugito showed up.

Yugito Nii: " What the hell is going on here?"

Omoi: " Yugito?"

Samui: " You're alive?"

Yugito Nii: " Yes. I'm alive."

Then, Yugito saw Karui battling Naruto.

Yugito Nii: " KARUI!!! Stop fighting that guy!"

Karui stopped as she saw Yugito.

Karui: " Yugito?"

Yugito Nii: " Would you quit dancing with that blondie?"

Naruto Uzumaki: " I have a name you know. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. The founder of my new ANBU faction of the Leaf called Snow Eagle."

Yugito deadpanned.

Yugito Nii: " Since when did you became an ANBU in the first place?"

Naruto Uzumaki: " Trust me. Because I wanna seek some retribution in order to help maintain peace and stability between hidden villages. I want Sai to be my right-handed man."

Naruto: SNOW EAGLEWhere stories live. Discover now