1: Born From Stars

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The story of the kingdom has been told many times over. One child after the other, drawn to the call of the distant light of eden, learning the pasts of the lands they traversed. The fates of these children of light have always been the same. The tale of this child is no different. But maybe it can be brightened by a few friends from the ancient lands.


A star from beyond the clouds fell down, as many did before. Landing in the place others have started calling Home. There, born from the stars light, was a child. A moth, as they were called.

She slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the light of dusk. Moving to push herself up, she looked around. "Where... am I?" The girl questioned. She received no answer. She was alone.

Looking down at her dark hands, she switched her focus to the question "who am I?" But again, no voice called to answer. Not even she could call to help herself.

Glancing around again, she noticed the small circular pond and five arches. They all highlighted a different thing. Pants, mask, hair, cape, and a... star?

The child walked over, looking at them all, wondering what purpose they served. She walked under one arch, getting a closer look at the symbol. As she did, a panel appeared in front of her. Translucent and dark.

On the panel were several hair styles. Ponytails, spikes, braids, anything. She hesitantly placed her hand on one. Immediately, she felt different. She felt her hair to feel it was now hers. But, a voice whispered to her, "available in Forest Constellation."

Alarmed, the child stepped back looking frantically around her. No one. She felt her hair to realize it had returned to normal. She tilted her head, staring quizzically at the arch.

Suddenly, a small flame appeared in front of her. She reached out for it, holding it in her palm. Turning away from the 'closet,' the child walked back to the platform she awoke on.

When she stepped onto it, a pattern illuminated and the flame in her hands rose up. "Hey!" She shouted and watched it fly over to another stone arch. Through it, there seemed to be a barren desert littered with boats and broken pillars.

The child beams at the possibility of finding someone to explain all this to her. She takes one last look at the closet, then runs through the arch and is consumed by a bright light.

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