Part 23 'So many decisions, such little time.'

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Run, what are you waiting for? Come on." Yoshiki shouted as he led the way. Seiko led me by the hand and started to run at full speed not to far from Yoshiki. I don't think I can carry on running, my legs are going to give way soon. "Wait, there's a hole and no classrooms, what now?" Mayu asked out breath. "Well we've got no choice." Yoshiki mumbled and with that, he took a few paces back and jumped. I closed my eyes expecting the worst but to my surprise, he managed to get across the atleast two metre hole. "Who's next?" He asked with a smug grin on his face. Without knowing, Mayu decided to make the jump. She missed the crumbled ledge but Yoshiki manages to grab onto her hand. Whilst those two continued to struggle, I looked back to see Satoshi literally wrestling with the 6ft student. What appeared to be Kizami Yuuya, was a muscular built, 6ft and what it seems to be, he appeared to be wearing a costume of some sort. One half of his body skinned and the other unscathed. Real or not it was quite disturbing.

With one sweep of his hand, Satoshi was flung over towards me. "Wh-What are yo-you doing, go just run and jump, I'm fine." Satoshi struggled. I believed him and went with what he had said. "Yoshiki, don't drop Seiko will ya." I demanded. She grunted and ran at full speed before making the crucial jump. Next was my turn. I ran as fast as I could and literally ten centimetres before I jumped, my legs turned to jelly, my jump was unbalanced and I felt my weight drop suddenly. Was this the end for me now. I tried to reach my arms out for the ledge, I saw Seiko's face with shear terror on it. She acted quickly and out of luck, she managed to snatch my hand. Even though she managed to save me from that most likely deadly fall, my weight was to much for her, the upper part of her body hung off of the edge but finally stopped. Mayu and Yoshiki grabbed onto her legs, stopping her from falling down with me.

"Com-e on Sh-inohara, just try and pull her up." Yoshiki struggled. Seiko let down her other hand for me which I eveidently took. "Ok, three...two...Pull." Yoshiki ordered. With that Mayu and Kishinuma pulled both legs of Seiko. Seiko yelped in pain. The pain must be excruciatiating for her. Hang on Seiko. Her body was being eased up slowly and eventually her upper body was flat on the floor again. I let go of one of her hands and used my hand to support myself up. I pulled myself up and rolled onto the floor board, having exhausted all of my strength. I turned my head to the side and saw the state of Satoshi. Satoshi was pinned up against the wall by his neck by this brute. "Wha-t do yo-u want wi-with my s-s-sister?" Satoshi struggled. Your sister, ha...haha...Nevrmind that, I think you should meet my BEST friend Kurosaki. Next second, Satoshi's battered body was yet again flung across the hall, but this time, he nearly went over the edge of the deep hole. Kizami, moved slowly over towards the damaged Satoshi and gently pushed him with his giant foot. Satoshi grabbed onto the ledge with one hand and the other hand by his side.

One more kick huh...With that, he pushed Satoshi over the edge but Satoshi still held on. Surely he can't hold on, how can he for so long? Satoshi put his other hand onto the edge, now only with his legs dangling. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't stop Kizami from killing Satoshi. All we could do was stare as one of our friends drops into a hole of the unknown. If we tried to, we could save him, we just have to get over there though. If we do try to save him, we might be risking our lives as well. I want to save him but at the same time, I don't want to be faced up against Kizami.

So many decisions...Such little time.

Hey guys, let me start with sorry for not posting on Monday, I was really tired on Sunday from shooting and I tried to create another part. Anyways, I'm actually giving you guys the chance to choose whether Satoshi lives or dies. I know it seems kinda harsh but I do hate making decisions by myself. So the choice is completely up to you. I will count up the votes for the decisions and whatever gets the most votes for that choice, I will write it. But, if the one that you choose doesn't get picked, I will write an alternative ending after I have finished the story. (That won't be too long) So you get to endings anyways. I hope this part was ok. Again, thanks a lot for reading/voting/commenting because it does help me. Next part Monday...Definitely Monday not Tuesday...Monday.

Clowdidiana :)

Naomi x Seiko: Stay with me (Corpse Party)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें